
Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )

Decent Essays

From gamma rays to radio waves, the electromagnetic spectrum varies in frequency, energy, and wavelength. Just like the electromagnetic spectrum, people who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) vary on a scale of severity. Some are able to integrate into the social world by making their own choices, while others are severely disabled and need care providers to attend to their every need. These individuals face numerous obstacles every day that the average person in society is unaware of. Life with Autism is anything but simplistic. To completely assess this disorder, one must evaluate all aspects of Autism in their own lives and in our society’s past- including the history and symptoms of the disorder, treatment options available, and emergency plans. Primarily, information on Autism as found on ProQuest database states that Autism was recorded for the first time in 1798, coined as a term in 1912, and classified as a distinct diagnostic category in the DSM-III in 1980. Originally, this disorder coincided with the symptoms of schizophrenia, including extreme unresponsiveness towards other people, severe communication deficits, and repetitive behaviors. However, the 20th century diagnosis changed to divide Autism and Schizophrenia into separate disorders as other symptoms emerged, such as language delays, desiring isolation, and relating only to objects at selective times. Over the years, the name has remained unaltered. As found in Chapter 14 of our textbook,

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