
Soccer Game Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

One Saturday morning my soccer team, my family, and I got up early for a soccer tournament in Ohio. The first game we played was a team called the Celtics at 8:30. We won 2-0. Then at 3:15 we play a Cincinnati United and the score was 1-3 and we also won.Then during the middle of both of the games, we played a card game called kemps. How to play is each player gets 4 cards and have to get all of the same and do your signal and if the other team sees you then they yell stop kemps and if your teammate sees you then they say kemps and you try to spell the word. Right, when we were warming up for the second game everyone tried to say we will win but we won that game but it didn't go so well for the 3rd game we got so pumped we did not give full

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