
Soccer In The United States

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Soccer in the United States has consistently taken a back seat to sports such as football, basketball, or baseball until today. Soccer was a sport that never gained traction in the United States until recently, and this is likely due to the American public who never appears to support a sport/club unless they show signs of success in competition. Unfortunately, one of the downsides of the American public only caring about the winners, is that even though soccer has existed in America for so long, they have not been popular due to the lack of success, which is tied directly to the inability to recruit talented athletes to play in MLS or the FIFA national team. However, while the popularity of soccer in the United States is still relatively low in comparison to certain sports, their popularity is on the rise. According to an article published by in 2014, men’s soccer was then the seventh most popular sport in the United States behind ice hockey, men’s professional basketball, auto racing, college football, baseball, and football. Soccer never truly began to gain traction as a popular sport until recently, that is why individuals younger than the age of thirty typically will not watch a soccer match before they will the majority of sports. An expected …show more content…

A company can utilize such research methods as direct mail, email, social media sites, etc. in their attempts to determine it to be wise to have soccer stars assist in the advertising of their product. If the company is attempting to market something like a sports drink, kids snacks, or certain electronics, they would be certainly be able to utilize a FIFA or MLS star in their marketing campaign. However, if a company is attempting to market a product to the older Generation X adults, they would be wise to not utilize a soccer

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