
Soccer Narrative

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Nothing is more warm, reassuring, priceless, and irreplaceable like ones mother. A mother’s love is as endless as the abyss of the ocean . My mother has taught me many lessons and left with me with some of the best memories a mother could give her child. But one I remember so vividly didn’t start out so great. Of course this day occurred on a Monday the worst days are always on Mondays. This Monday started off normal I went to school, came home ate, then proceeded to doing my daily soccer ritual since I always play Monday nights at soccer zone . Which was taking a 10 minute shower, followed by watching Netflix , then running 2 miles on the treadmill. Once time gets nearer and nearer to game time I start bugging my mother to take me already …show more content…

But like all teenagers I ignored it . The game was so normal and bland we proceeded to blowing out the team before half time ended 4-0 . I already bagged 2 goals and was being a pest to the opponents defense. During half time I could hear the other teams coach telling his players who they had to shut down. My number got called out along with our star player Edgar . Once the game begun again the intensity was crazy. It seemed as if we weren’t even playing soccer anymore and were playing rugby. I know it was going to be a blood bath as soon as I heard the other teams parents yelling out racial slurs. Personally I’m a calm player , but this time was different . The other team told my mother to shut her trap. And ironically the parent who said son was guarding me. So I took it upon myself to seek justice. I gave a short pass to my forward on purpose in order to get an opening on the parents kid. I slid the guy cleats up and took him out for the rest of the game . And oh did it feel so good to hurt that kid although he did nothing wrong. But like life what comes around goes around and it was my turn. Literally the same play happened, the other team passed a skimp ball and I was on the receiving end. As soon as I received the ball it was déjà vu I …show more content…

She was there when I needed help walking down the stairs at night and she was there when I needed help changing in order to shower , and then again when I needed to change to clean clothes. And all the time it was with the brightest of smiles as if she enjoyed taking care of me again like as if she had a second chance at babying me. Every morning I would wake up to the smell of buttery toast, fluffy egg whites and the decadent smell of chocolate pancakes. But I’ve always seen this side of my mother but what really touched me was when I had to go through rehab. When the sessions started to get tough and I felt I couldn’t take it anymore she was there telling me to press on and to stop being a wuss. That’s when my mother changed from being an over protective mom to my hero. And from that moment on I never again took my mothers love and persistence for granted again and learned that a mothers love is

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