
Social Bound Contract Essay

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The way a government or state has ruled over a populace has always been attributed to the socially accepted political idea prevailing at the time, but their are multiple ideal political ideas that have shaped the modern world and all of them ultimately were hinged upon each other. The following political ideas of, a socially bound contract, the divine right of a king and the laws of god and nature are the founding principles throughout history that have lead to major political revolutions including republicanism and democracy. The Idea of being metaphorically bound to your government is an idea you subconsciously support. Its an idea upheld when you have qualms against a neighbor and the police are expected to respond, the paying of taxes, …show more content…

When Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence he mentioned “unalienable rights with which are endowed by our creator.” But if we all believe in a different god, how could the statement have been applicable to everyone in a republic wary of religious persecution? He wasn’t entirely specific on what religion, but their are common things we all share and deserve to have protected. These rights commonly phrased “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are what binds us as humans, and no one should be deferred from these (seeing as we all share these at birth). A citizens unalienable rights are directly correspondent the social contract theory. If a government becomes tyrannical and fails to uphold the right of life, liberty and overall breaches the mutual agreement (or written constituents) then it is also the peoples obligation to overthrow the government and start anew. We all have the right to change a system that doesn't work for us, and the government is supposed to comply with the restructuring of a new order built upon the consensus of the

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