
Social Class In The Great Gatsby

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America is known to be the country that is “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, as well as the home of the people who were restricted to drink alcohol from 1920 to 1933. In a country that has been around for two hundred and forty-two years, one would make the assumption that the government would not pay so close of attention to an alcoholic beverage, but instead give more attention to security and that the country full of dreams is operating in the most efficient way possible. However, during the 1920 time period of Prohibition, lawmakers created the Eighteenth Amendment which launched forbidding Americans to manufacture and sell alcohol in order to prevent citizens from the dangers of drinking. In The Great Gatsby, which is written …show more content…

In the time period of the 1920s, wealth was everything. Before the crash of the stock market in 1929, the economy was thriving. The thriving economy brought numerous wealthy people, and with the social trend in the 1920s being rich and superior, Prohibition made those with money feel the need to drink (Hill 47). Also, a man named Thorstein Veblen once stated that alcohol represents “the superior status of those who could afford the indulgence” (Hill 47). Nevertheless, with wealth and alcohol fitting the social normality and trend, parties were always thrown with the most richest people attending. As Hill states, “The ‘smart set’ of the 1920s was pictured as well-dressed men and women sipping cocktails. Nothing conveyed social rank better than the places where the sipping took place” (Hill 47). However, these parties could never be relaxing or calm; instead, alcohol had always been the major key. At parties, people wanted the most favorite drinks: beer, wine, mixed drinks, and a lot more (McNeill 1). Also, the only ones who got to have access to those drinks were the wealthy since the poor were never seen or allowed to be at that nice of an event. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald demonstrates this trend sufficiently. In the novel, Nick Carraway is found to be living next door to Jay Gatsby, a man who throws the most prominent social gatherings. The …show more content…

Bootlegging is the making, distributing, or selling of alcohol illegally. Before 1920, criminal gangs began to limit their activity to thievery, gambling, and murders; however, when Prohibition was put into place, these gangs became the illegal bootleggers in order to bring alcohol back in America. While the activity was evidently banned, the bootleggers instantly became millionaires due to the crave from Americans all over the country (McNeill 6). Furthermore, bootleggers and smugglers went to extreme extents to have all hands on alcohol. According to the book Prohibition, “The borders of the United States extend for more than 18,000 miles over a blend of land, ocean, lake, and river features. Illegal alcohol was spirited into the United States across all of these boundary types” (Hill 33). In addition, not only did bootleggers and smugglers check every square inch of America to find alcohol, but these groups of people went to Canada. Most of the trading took place in Ontario, which is on the waterways that separate Ontario from Michigan (Hill 34). While bootleggers can be perceived as questioning people, the mysterious Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby took part in the bootlegging phenomenon as well. When Gatsby came to America, the bootlegger was poor and looking to become apart of the wealthy lifestyle. Since Gatsby was in

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