
Social Construction Of Childhood

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Childhood, in the 21st century, has become the center of attention because of the highly influential book “Centuries of Childhood” published in the year 1960. In the book, Aries (1960) argued that the concept has been created by the modern history and further indicated that children were considered as mini-adults before the 17th century. According to Dr. Montgomery (2013), the childhood in 1970s and 80s have enormously transformed in terms of their treatment and their lives. Moreover, Dr. Montgomery revealed the contemporary and historical differences in the terms childhood. For instance, children in the 21st century have fewer responsibilities and their lives are characterized by school, play, consumption and family instead of paid labor, work, production and public life. This implies that the standards of childhood differ on the basis of economic setting and traditions of the societies. The purpose of this assignment is to describe the changes in childhood over the years, while determining the role of difference in views and perspectives on childhood in creating different expectations of the children.

Childhood in History and Impact of Societies on Childhood …show more content…

This does not mean that the children were despised, neglected or forsaken; but what was meant here was that the concept of childhood is based on social construction. Social construction, in simpler words, is a theoretical perspective of exploring the negotiation of reality in everyday life, which is done through the interaction of the people and discourses (James & James, 2008). Moreover, James and James (2008) further simplified the concept by indicating that social construction basically relates to the idea that the change in reality is because of the interaction that people have with each other and in different

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