
Social, Cultural And Political Features Of The Middle East

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Characteristic Social, Cultural and Political Features of the Middle East
The term Middle East is used to refer to the region between Afghanistan and the Atlantic Ocean on the east and west respectively. The area generally referred to as the Middle East is made of nineteen countries with a population of 3% of the world’s number (Murphy and Hussein). Although there is a heterogeneous group of people living in these countries there are some characteristics of the region that are unique to the Middle East.
One of the most common feature of the region is the Islamic. The population in Middle East is made of 93% Muslims. This feature has deep roots as far as the seventh century when the tenets of Islam were first introduced to the Arabs. The …show more content…

The Urban Muslim Arab has a complex social structure compared to that of the rural counterpart. Arabs are divided into two extremes. On one hand the desert Arabs have are a conservative and rigid people while the townspeople have begun changing their traditions (“Introduction to Islamic Beliefs and Practices”). There has been a rapid change in culture among the Arabs. Migration, for instance, has driven Arabs from the poor countries to rich states that produce oils which has become a vital source of the region’s revenue.
Islam Assessment The word Islam stands for freely submitting to God’s will (Allah). Islam is the world’s second religion. The religion beliefs began in Mecca, Arabia, 1,400 years ago. People who follow the religion are referred to as Muslims and their fundamental belief is that there is only one God. Allah is an Arabic word that stands for God. Muslims believe that several prophets were sent to Mankind by God in order to instruct them how to live (“Islam Beliefs and Practices”). Muhammad is the final prophet. According to Muslims, Islam has existed since time immemorial but to be practical, they date the religion from the time when Muhammad migrated. The laws upheld by Muslims are based on the Quran and Sunnah books (BBC). According to Muslims, the Sunnah is maintained as the practical example of the final prophet, Muhammad and practice their faith based on five Pillars of Islam. The

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