
Social Dominance Theory

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A major point of social dominance theory is that all humans belong to various groups. There are powerful groups that provide status and authority and there are powerless groups as children that are easy targets of violence. Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults. Sometimes, adults who have intimate sexual relationships with other adults may sexually abuse children in moments of unusual stress. Other adults are primarily sexually attracted to children and act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child. Each person who sexually abuses a child is motivated by issues unique to that individual. Some adults who sexually abuse children recognize that it is wrong and are deeply repentant. Other adults believe their behavior is okay and that what they do shows their love for children. b. Psychological Explanation: …show more content…

There is no single profile that accurately describes or accounts for all child molesters. There are many variables among individuals in terms of their personal characteristics, life experiences, criminal histories, and reasons for committing such offenses. One common misconception is that molested children grow up to become child molesters themselves. Most adults who sexually use or abuse children were, during their own childhoods, abandoned, abused sexually, physically, and/or emotionally. In reaction to those experiences of abuse, neglect, betrayal and powerlessness, they may have attempted to find feelings of power and control over others – including sexual power over children. Some people who sexually use or abuse children have high social status in a group and become so confused by constant admiration or praise that they begin to think the rules are different for

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