
Social Justice Application Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Almost every day, whether on the news or on social media, we hear about the violence and turmoil that is taking place throughout our world. Most of the conflicts and aggressions that we hear about stem from one common problem, social injustice. Social injustice is when a person’s or a group of people’s rights are neglected and they are treated as if they are inferior to another person or group of people. Some injustices that occur in today’s society include; world hunger, poverty, inequality among genders, racism, terrorism, and police brutality. The reason why so many social injustices are often overlooked and pushed aside is because the people who are afflicted are not given a voice to effectively create change. With a Howard education, one day I plan to be in a position where I can become a voice …show more content…

I plan to major in political science because it is something that interests me and I have a passion for helping people. However, in order to help people and effectively create change, you must first educate yourself and understand how the system works. My overall goals are to first earn my degree in political science. Then to complete law school, become a lawyer, and specialize in civil rights. As a lawyer, I will speak out against social injustice and provide legal aid to those who need it. Most importantly, I will provide a voice for people who have been mistreated and silenced. I will also be able to create and promote positive change and influence others to do the same. This a very significant cause to me because it is a very serious problem. We hear about it all the time, it affects a lot of people, and it shouldn’t be ignored any longer. Civil right activist Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. By doing what I believe in and speaking out against injustice I hope to create and spread positive change throughout the

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