
Social Media 's Influence On Our Lives

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Social media has had a tremendous impact on our lives, influencing the way we communicate, interact, and even think. In the 21st century, social media has emerged as a tool utilized in all aspects of life, ranging from entertainment to politics. In the context of politics, the lack of gatekeepers in social media has provided an even playing field for candidates to communicate with the public, and due to the effects this medium had on communication, public discourse has been influenced to fit the defining characteristics of social media. A notable event to examine this media’s influence in the 21st century is the US presidential election. Despite the mainstream media’s opposition to Trump, I will argue that social media played an integral …show more content…

15). According to survey conducted by the ING, 60% of “journalists feel less bound by journalistic rules on social media.” The survey also notes that only 20% of journalists check their facts before publishing, and almost half said they “published most of their stories as quickly as possible to correct later if necessary.” Thus, it becomes evident that the priority of news publishing on social media is driven by producing content that generate more clicks, likes and retweets (“2014 Impact of Social Media on News”). In order for Journalists and others to draw that attention on sites like Twitter, there is a focus on producing content that emphasizes “novelty and even outrageousness” (Gross and Johnson 749). On Twitter for example, people favour emotionally charged Tweets because they tend to get “retweeted more often and more quickly compared to neutral ones” (Ott 61). Thus, Twitter users value controversy, and “negative sentiment” where aggressiveness and negativity in messages have become the key to popularity (Ott 62). Secondly, the undermined importance of fact checking in social media has allowed Trump to generate viral statements by emphasizing controversy to gain publicity and appeal to voters. According to PolitiFact, 76 percent out of 77 statements made by Trump on Twitter are factually incorrect

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