Online social network has gained astounding worldwide growth and popularity which has led to attracting attention from variety of researchers around the world. In Carla Poertner article,”Is Facebook Making Us Stupid,Boring and Insecure?” She is right on target about youth being impacted over social networking. Social media has influenced youths whether it being their motives, lifestyle, or even a choice and ways of their realizations. Although, some will argue saying that social network is a good influence towards young people it is morally wrong due to getting themselves into addiction leading to danger, lack of concentrating in school, even their physical and psychological health. In other words, generations of teenagers and young adults …show more content…
Young people are not putting any effort towards their education, they chose social media over homework. Poertner mentioned,”Our social media is dumbing us down”(1). Poertner couldn't be any straightforward. Social networks have made it to where spelling and grammar of young people's test scores have dramatically decreased. As young people are constantly using social networks, they will not have any skills in face to face interactions,or even the tone of voice they use towards others. Schools have blocked sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other popular media due to the same reason in which young people are more focused on their social media, rather than their education. Therefore, the lack of paying attention in school because of the media has also led to physical and psychological health …show more content…
Young people would rather be on social media playing on apps, instead of going outdoors and playing an activity, which later can cause obesity. In Poertners article, Frances Jensen a neuroscientist states that,”dopamine can be triggered just as easily by the release of the latest iPhone as by alcohol, pot, sex, or a fast car. In some ways, technology is like drugs”(2). Author is trying to say that young people need to realize that social media is like drugs. For instance, young people are staying up late and only having 4 to 5 hours of sleep on a school day, which can not enough to function throughout the day. They can also feel emotional and have mental problems such as anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints among many others. These symptoms are exactly what drug addicts go through as well. With this being said, social media is more like a drug rather than an necessity. In final analysis, social media is increasing day by day for young people which can later cause negative outcomes. Social networks will continue to be harmful, unless parents be aware of how much social media is used among their young kids. If there are no regulations or limitations on social networking the repercussion will accumulate. Young people need to know that social media can affect their lives in many negative ways when being stuck on their media too much. Social networks is not a necessity
In the text "Social Media May be Harmful to Health" the author, Jordan Smith, explains that social media is hurting kids health and ruining their social interactions. First, the author explains that researchers are concerned because they think that social media is harming kids' health. She says that kids who use social media a lot are not being very active, therefore not getting the exercise needed to live. Smith also talks about social media harming healthy sleep habits, which may result in tired days. Children, on average, spend 7 hours a day on social media, which can lead to attention issues and an unhealthy mind.
Kardaras, Nicolas. "Generation Z: Online and at Risk?." Scientific American Mind, vol. 27, no. 5, Sep/Oct 2016, pp. 64-9. MasterFILE Premier. Kardars discuss generation z use of social media affecting them negatively. He opens his article with a story of Heidi who becomes addicted to social media when her school issues her a Chromebook. Before Heidi is issued the laptop, she was a sweet innocent girl and after having it for a semester she became someone her parents could not recognize. He states that social media is a “perfect storm” for humans because having a social connection key to “happiness and health”. Having the ability to always use social media leads to hyper texting the illusion of a real connection making it hard for teens to have face to face conversations, making a teens become “glow kid[s]“, someone who is raised on mostly digital social interactions. Facebook depression” can result in the teen to have lower grades and behavior problems in teens. He concludes his article with facts proving that Facebook can become addictive in some people. This source helps support my thesis that Facebook affects teens mental health.
The use of social networking sites is rising at great rates. According to a report conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project in 2012, ninety-five percent of individuals aged 12-17 use the internet; and eighty-one percent of those use social network sites (Pew Interest). Although it is known that social media can have a useful impact on lives, often times people forget that with a positive comes a negative. The continual use of social network sites will impact teen lives more negatively than positively because they can cause huge distractions from valuable and critical pursuits like education; they can also cause mental health issues and a reduction in communication skills.
Social media has been known to help students develop important knowledge and social skills. “At first glance this may seem like a waste of time; however it also helps students to develop important knowledge and social skills, and be active citizens who create and share content.” (Chen 3). The more time teens spend on social media the more they become aware of their own social side and how to interact with others, especially their peers. “Some types of social media has beneficial effects, like helping adolescents establish some sense of identity and build networking skills” (Riley Davis). Too much time being spent on social media can also exploit teens to some harsh realities that they’ve probably never experienced in their lives before.
Social media has negative effects on adolescents who overuse it. It is important as parents or guardians to remember to monitor how much kids use social media and when they use it. As a parent or guardian, you must remember that the disorders kids can get from overusing social media is real. Also remember that the internet isn’t always the safest place for our children. The use of social media can be damaging and it has no benefit. Keep control of your children’s use on social media to avoid these negative effects. The internet does interfere with daily
Various individuals long for a time when technology did not take over the world. For teenagers, it is difficult to imagine a life without the World Wide Web and its countless perks at their fingertips. Social media consumes young lives more than any other form of technological advancement. Social media has a few pros, but also its fair share of cons.
Did you know social media can change you? Social media can cause problems with your health? In the article, “Student examines negative effects of social media on teens” by Aurelie Krakowsky and “The Upside of Selfies: Social media isn’t all that bad for kids” by Kelly Wallace talks about social media, but clearly it’s harmful to people. Social media is for people to enjoy on a daily basis and be updated on what is happening in the world; however it can be harmful to your health and even your education. It can lower kids self esteem and make them feel uncomfortable about themselves. It can also cause health issues and distant yourself from the people around you.
To begin with, in “Are we slaves to our online selves” of Jules Evans states “Growing up in today’s online world must be difficult, because the very adolescent experiment, every awkward mistake, is out there online, perhaps forever (503)”. I totally agree with the author, because today’s society is more concerned about becoming popular and famous rather than caring about the ones that surround them. Social media has become a big part of our generation’s lives, people now on days are more in their cellphones than with people, and it can be both harmful and disappointing. Social media has a negative effect, for example, kids/teenager are more expose to cyberbullying, effects on social skills and also compromise education.
Social media has been a topic of debate for years. Some people are strongly against any use of it while others like the instant connection it provides. A major concern over social media is the lasting effects it has on teenagers. Social media can affect teenagers through many ways including things like their self-esteem. Cyberbullying is a raging topic of discussion centered around teens social media use. It can also effect their people skills and create a lack of community involvement. Some parents think that watching what their children do on social media is an invasion of privacy but is your concern for their privacy greater than your concern for their safety? Social media poses a great danger to today’s children. It can affect many aspects of their lives.
Facebook and other forms of social media create isolation and danger for the youth social media creates harm to people and can also lead onto isolation for many youths that are socially active on the internet. During the 20th century, technology began to change very quickly in the 1940’s the first computer was created, and later internet. YouTube was created in 2005 and a year later Facebook was created along with twitter. Social media has been a big issue for many people mainly because it increases the dangers for the active youth that are constantly using internet outlets. Social media has many ups and downs when it comes to health and communication with others.
Social media is extremely addictive as it provides immediate and satisfying rewards (through the release of hormones) with very little effort. Your brain automatically begins to crave it more and more as you desire these chemical stimulations. Sounds like a drug right? Some studies even show that around 5%-10% of users find it difficult to control the amount of time they spent online and literally cannot log off. So although social media stimulates our brain and sends chemicals that make us feel great - it’s harmful to our real life relationships and distances us from the connections we have around us, often times becoming a distraction to young people which can deter them from their schoolwork and affect their ability to interact with people face to face.
Social media is one of the most common ways for people to communicate anywhere and at any time in modern society. Some people think that it is beneficial to have in society. Although, many people are starting to see negative effects arise from the use of social media as well. These negative effects are increasing and becoming more problematic every day. The disadvantages of social media far outweigh the advantages. Social media effects everyone in society, especially teenagers by negatively impacting their lives, face-to-face interactions, and mental health.
Today’s youth generation, has a strong attachment to the online world. Many adolescents spend most of their time online versus offline. Therefore, one can consider these adolescents as a social network addict, a person who spends a fair amount of time on one or many social platforms. Throughout the three articles, “Social Networking Addiction: An Overview of Preliminary Findings” by Mark Griffiths, “Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship” by Nicole B. Ellison and “Taking Risky Opportunities in Youthful Content Creation: Teenagers’ use of Social Networking Sites for Intimacy, Privacy, and Self-expression” by Sonia Livingstone, show how this addiction has changed people’s communication among people. While there are
Studies have shown that the average person now spends more time each day on their phone and computer than they do sleeping according to Nick McGillivray (“What are the Effects of Social Media on Youth?). Social has become part of our social society, especially for the many youths. There are positives to being on social media and also equal amounts of danger that come with using social networking sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These social networking sites also have effects on today’s youth by altering the way they behave, the way they learn, in not only a classroom setting but also in the real world setting, and the way that they socialize with their peers and others.
Social networking, a cornerstone in technology today, is harmful to the lifestyles of teens today. Most teenagers that use social networking are damaging their own future by allowing their personal life to be exposed as well as missing out on personal opportunities such as being sociable and confident when they speak. Families should work to find ways to protect adolescents from the damaging effects of social networking.