
Social Order Vs Police Order Essay

Decent Essays

When civil rights and liberties are used interchangeably, confusion is created between the two. Civil rights are the inalienable rights wrote about in the constitution. These inalienable rights restrict the government’s control over the freedom of the people. Tension is created when the government enact laws to achieve absolute order which constantly interferes with individual’s ideal freedom. Civil liberties are what is ensured to each citizen by government. Conflict arises when the government’s want to maintain sheer order interferes with the individual's freedom and equality. Our forefathers while writing the constitution focused on a system that maintained relevant laws, ensured a dynamic political process, and a fair governed society. However this system is under constant pressure and tension of maintaining true …show more content…

Having perfect equality would grant each person equal access to any and all goods and services. Government constants of freedom by nature, however; it is a matter of if we receive negative or positive freedom in each situation. Negative freedom is the liberty given ”freedom to,” while “freedom from” enacts positive freedom. While order becomes more controversial when talking about social order versus police order. Police order is a direct protection of life and property for social order, that is how a society responds to authority through modes of behavior. To have a social order a police order needs to be enforced, arguments arise between how much power a police order should have to maintain an equal social order. Where equality is defined as the state of being equal, where there is no true way to measure equality as a whole nation. The equality is measured from person to person, but as human nature nobody feels exactly the same. As a nation there is a tendency to group people into sections and equal out the playing field between the two major groups of

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