
Social, Political, And Economical Cause Of The Mexican Revolution

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Social, Political, and Economical Causes of the Mexican Revolution There were an abundance of social, political, and economical factors that led to the Mexican Revolution. Socially, there was a great displacement in the treatment between the elite and rich classes and the poor classes. Politically, what once started out as a Republic, after they had won their independence, had transitioned into a tyrannical dictatorship. Economically, Mexico was over dependent on loans from foreign nations such as France, Spain, England, and The United State of America.
AFTERMATH OF WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Mexico had gained its independence from Spain in the year of 1821, although a substantial amount of damage had been inflicted as Mexico was in disorder and decay. The economy was in shambles, as Mexico owed money to The United States of America, France, and England. Also, the social classes experienced a drop-off in upper class citizens as every Spaniard was forced out of Mexico after the war for independence. Economically, many industries such as mining, textile, and others became useless, as there was lack of production, because of the absence of the Spaniards. The effects of war were very visible throughout all of Mexico as villages were left ruined, roads were neglected, and about 15-30 percent of the male populations were unemployed.

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