
Social Security Disability (SSD)

Decent Essays

I am disappointed because people who need help with Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefits are not taking advantage of my book. However, not utilizing all the help is available. Not to mention, I spent $100’s of dollars in creating a website, hired a Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Professional. In order to have maintenance for my website monthly. I even paid to get my book copyrighted which makes me first-time author. I wrote a self-help digital e-book called “How to win your Social Security Disability without an attorney” to help people with their case.
This book, can help you fight your own Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Initial Claim, Reconsideration Appeal, Appeal Case, and Appeal Council Review. The book can ensure your Attorney is doing everything in his or her power to get your SSD or SSI benefits approved. Instead of sitting around waiting for your appeal court date hearing to be scheduled that way your Attorney can get more money ($6,000 …show more content…

Then filed his Appeal Council Review. Some Attorneys will not represent you after the judge denied your appeal case. Since he used my book and questions I answered. Really made his Attorney get to work on proving his disability. I have been working with him on his Social Security Disability case every day for a month now. After waiting for 4 years for a court appeal case hearing and appeal council review. He finally got approved for his SSD.
For help purchase the self-help digital book “How to win your Social Security Disability without an Attorney.” The book is price at $19.99. However, I priced the book at a reasonable price. That way everyone can afford the book. In the event, you do not have the money. You can ask 20 friends and family members for $1.00 to have $19.99. Another payment method is all major credit cards and PayPal accepted to buy the eBook. My payment method is a secured website.
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