
Social Work Ethics Summary

Decent Essays

The National Association of Social Work (NASW) provides several ethical guidelines to uphold the integrity of the social work field. One issue that can arise when students are writing case studies over clients is that they have the possibility of not holding fast to the ethical principle of “respect[ing] the dignity and worth of the person (“Code of Ethics,” 2008). Students need to ensure that they are treating their clients like human beings, and not just a characters in a case study. Social work students can do this by allowing their client to have input in the intervention. They need to show cultural competence and be aware of any issues the clint is struggling with. They also have to respect the client’s wishes and recognize that the client …show more content…

Social workers are required by the Code of Ethics to “practice within their areas of expertise” (“Code of Ethics,” 2008). This means that social workers are only able to perform tasks that they have received training in and are comfortable with their level of expertise in the subject. The social worker responsible for Christine’s case had received extensive training relating to treatment plans and felt confident in her ability to use that method for Christine’s intervention. The social worker also has taken a master’s level research course in which she learned how to conduct single subject research designs, enabling her to use the technique for Christine’s evaluation. Christine’s client study called for extensive research, which assisted the social worker by informing her of new information and advancing her level of competence in these …show more content…

The worker often found it difficult to know how much of Christine’s personal information to include in the case study. She did her best to limit the information to only what was pertinent to the case, without giving any details that would make Christine identifiable to an individual reading the report. The social worker was also unsatisfied with the amount of follow-up she was allowed to have with Christine after the intervention and evaluation stages. She would have liked to meet with Christine weekly to discuss progress and address any issues or situations that came up after the implementation of the treatment plan. Due to the size of her caseload and agency policy, however, the social worker was unable to fulfill this wish and had to settle for observing Christine’s behavior from the foster parent’s

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