
Social Work Is A Career Defined As “Work Carried Out By

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Social Work is a career defined as “work carried out by trained personal with the aim of alleviating the conditions of those in need of help or welfare”. Social work varies in several fields, social workers work as part of multi-disciplinary teams with child welfare organizations, adoption and foster care agencies, hospitals, schools, prisons, mental health institutions, and more. Social work may leave the impression that it’s an easy field because it is assumed that all social workers do is serve others and manage paperwork but that is only a small chunk of the job. Social workers must deal with the ethical and emotional aspect of helping others. As a social worker, it is critical to comply with the National Association of Social Workers …show more content…

With a three-year grant from tittle III of the Federal Older Americans act, The Circle Center first opened doors to the older adult population in May of 1976 on 1605 monument avenue, Richmond, Virginia; originally known as the “Stuart Circle Center”.

The Circle Center has two social workers, Jay Burkhardt and Erin Brunette. I interviewed Erin Burnette January 30, 2017 in her office at The Circle Center. When I first walked into her office, I noticed how clean and neat it was which was surprising to me because I always imagined a social worker’s office to be unorganized with files everywhere. As I looked around I noticed pictures of her family and historical pictures, leaving me under the impression that she was a strong advocate for human rights. From the looks of her room, I assumed that having pictures of her family in her helps her keep stress at a minimum while at work. Erin Burnette, from Knoxville, Tennessee moved to Richmond in 1999 to attend Virginia Commonwealth University where she received her master in social work. Erin also has a master of divinity from Baptist Seminary at Richmond. With her master of divinity, Erin served as a Hospice Chaplain for ten years. As of today, she withholds sustainable credibility due to her Erin’s social work career began in the year of 2004 but she feels that she has been involved with social work her entire life. During our interview, Erin explained why she chose social work, she says that her parents and her

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