Social workers challenge social injustice and pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people. A social worker in Marcos' community will need to start with a framework for assessing the community. According to Netting, Kettner, McMurtry and Thomas (2012), comparing the needs of the community to another will present a target population. If we are to use teen fathers as out target population based on our case scenario, we can move to identifying the characteristics of the population. While there is much research and relative known resources for teen mother, teen fathers are lacking attention (Thompson & Crase, 2004). The goal of this community assessment wills identify the lack of known and available resources to teen fathers, and how it impedes their wellbeing. Netting et al. (2012) divide community assessment into three parts. Task one is to focus on the target population. Identify the population or subgroup, understand the characteristic and locate date and information on the members in the population. Second, Neeting et al. (2012) determine community characteristic by, space, social problem, shared values and oppression and discrimination experienced. Third, Netting et al. (2012), identify the community structure, in terms of power, resources available, service and deliveries and patterns of resource control. Methods of data collect can be from research regarding demographics, history and current
This essay will be critiquing the article ‘Fathers ' Involvement in Children 's Services: Exploring Local and National Issues in ‘Moorlandstown’ (Gillina et al, 2012). The article uses qualitative method to establish why fathers are less likely to access children services. It will be using the critical appraisal skills programme (CASP) framework to understand qualitative research to critique this research (CASP, 2013). This framework has been chosen to aid the critical thinking in a systematic manner. It will establish if the results of the article are valid, what the results are and if the results will help locally. This useful aid will enable the reviewer to make sound judgments of the research.
The American Public never loved social welfare programs, but it did not necessarily want them dismantled. In fact, by the early 1990s, nearly 50 percent of all households drew on government benefits from Food stamps to social security to mortgage interest tax deductions.
legal duties of the Social Worker and makes it clear that it is their responsibility to ensure that
In order to be a competent social worker one must know the community that he/she is serving. There is a need for cultural competence because knowing the families and communities you are working with is more important than ever. Where we live is growing and changing everyday, which can create a challenge but also great opportunities. This paper will examine a small little town in Montana called Helena and will show how different populations can be.
The article “Cultural Considerations for Social Workers: A sociological perspective” by Orville W. Taylor, argues that inner-cities of Jamaica are culturally distinct phenomena and therefore they should be treated as such. It also suggests that this should be considered if the theory is to be developed or any attempts to apply intervention strategies and that the divisive nature of the society and cultural distinctions of these communities which are different from that of the mainstream society should be comprehended. It concludes by stating that the main challenge for social workers is to acknowledge that these inner-cities communities are functional operating communities separately from that of the larger society.
In the United States, there are programs designed to protect children. There are foster care, group homes, and other services for children safety. The Child Protective Services in Alabama has the sole purpose of helping children in cases of neglect and abuse (Child Protective Services). These services include foster care programs where children who are at risk of harm from birth family, or who suffers from mental, emotional, or physical issues. These services provide care to all children who meet the state qualifications and removed from their current home (Introduction of Foster Care). The foster care system is where children who can no
When preparing for the new role of parenting or caring informal and formal support services can assist the parents or carers in many ways. Informal support services range from family members to friends to work colleagues to flatmates or neighbours. These types of support services can assist individuals in preparing for their role of parenting or caring by providing knowledge and advice from their own previous experience. This advice would be helpful for a new parent or carer as they would be given tips on how to deal with having a new child and how to care for the child.
Foster youth has long been thought of as an at-risk population, often failing the educational system. In her dissertation on foster youth and secondary education, Brenda Morton writes, “Foster children are an invisible population. Teachers and administrators often do not know that a student is in foster care” (p. 1). There are just under half a million foster youth currently residing in the United States, many will fail to graduate from high school, and only a few will graduate from college. California has the largest population of foster youth with approximately 56, 138 youth (Children’s Bureau, 2014). It is estimated that foster youth high school graduation rates are near the forty sixth percentile and college graduation rates are near two percent for former foster youth, making this at-risk population is in need of more support (Friends of Foster Families, 2014).
having a husband. In August of 2013 Telaunda, my close neighbor and friend, put me in contact with a
The following section is a commentary to the operation of the program in realtion to the subject for process of community devlopment. According to Maxwell, this service provided by YWCA is a a people-based change aiming to give the single mothers the resiliance to cope with the risks and problems they are likely to face in life and to acesss help when it is needed. Also, as mentioned by Brown and Hannis, effective communuty work requires awarness of all the steps in the community development process model and recogniztion the imporatnce of relationships at each point (Brown & Hannis, 2012, p. 73). After analyzing the organization’s resources and information, I have found that the organization essential has everything that the single mother needs, however there is a lack of opions, especially needs for the single mother along, with problems for the housing communities and finally the lack of public awareness to the organization.
The main instrument used to measure progress in the Parent and Youth Mediation Program, which is intended to reduce conflict and enhance communication between adolescents and their parents, was the Parent Adolescent Questionnaire. The assessment examines the relationships between parents and adolescents, enabling the clinician to plan effective modes of treatment interventions through understanding the many dimensions of the parent-adolescent relationship. The assessment, based in behavioral family systems therapy, organizes information into the domains of overt conflict, skills deficits, beliefs and family structure. This enables the clinician to emphasize problem-solving and communication skills, cognitive restructuring of extreme beliefs and distorted thinking, and identify problems in family functioning in later interventions. Additionally, the scales assess global distress and conflict in multiple areas, including communication, problem solving, school, siblings, and maladaptive
Research is conducted in a variety of different ways using different methods and methodologies. How these methods are used is imperative to how clear and accurate research will be. Community needs assessment is a research method used by many researchers that assists in finding gaps within a particular target group within a particular community. Throughout this paper I will discuss what a community needs assessment is and when and how it is used. I will also discuss some of the strengths and limitations of this method. I then continue to explain some theoretical and practical perspectives when dealing with this method and how it would apply when conducting your own research in a
These Ecological concepts demographics, competition, segregation and integration can help social workers analyze a community in terms of its fairness and support to all of its members. One of the strengths gathered from this perspective is that it allows for the issues to be identified and it implements change as needed. The Human Ecology perspective can help frame subsequent questions like how to change the situation. It has concern for the individuals within the community but its main focus is on the environment. With the focus on the environment it will be better to determine why people behave the way they do. One of the concepts of this perspective is also one of tis strengths and that is when integration occurs. Members will come together and function as a whole. However, this theory does have its weaknesses. For one when the demographics mentioned are becoming unlivable members will compete and segregate themselves. This causes the community to always be in chaos. Viewing communities from a Human Ecology perspective it provides a useful assessment mechanism for understanding why people act as they do within the context of the larger community macro system.
According to AASW (2010), social workers are committed to work with individuals, groups and communities to achieve the equitable access to social, economic, environmental and political resources. As a social work undergraduate, we acknowledge the significant impact of CD through the positive change in the society. Our group through the course of this semester has learnt about the process of community work and community development. They are inter-related and beneficial to the community in which address and meet the needs of members. The progress of
This paper serves as an overview and reflection of the community assessment assignment process for the Chinatown presentation team with the community issue of gentrification. There will be an analysis of the team’s performance in regards to strengths and opportunities for growth as well as an outlining how roles and responsibilities were formed including collaboration and communication. Further, since our group presented last, there is an inclusion of the positive aspects of our colleague’s presentations and some suggestions for revision if we were to present again. Additionally, there is personal analysis of my role within the team, areas of personal opportunity for growth, and my role within our group. The end of the reflection paper provides an opportunity for potential application of skills in future social work practice and how I will use the principles of community assessment in future practice. Overall, the process of collaborating with colleagues and the intricacies of assessing a community have prepared me for micro and macro level social work practice in communities of any size.