
Society Is A Bad Society

Good Essays

As the 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director and poet Henrik Ibsen once said: “The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of society” (Ólafsson, 2008, pg. 127). A good society is a romanticized terminology. It does not exist yet but may be what everyone is looking for. It is highly responsive to its inhabitants and progressive in the nature of its existence. People often times blame society for the way our daily life is structured, but cannot contribute good values due to their ignorance. A thriving or, in this case, good society is one which ensures a drive to move forward for all those present, one that has laws based on justice and individuality, one to seeks freedom for all inhabitants and has a good population acting as the backbone of the society. On the other hand, a ‘bad’ society is a society in dire need of the population’s assistance, or else it will be left to dust. This essay will be delving deep into the intrinsic concepts which give society the title of ‘good’.
To begin, a good society should also be a functioning society and must be comprised of two indistinguishable features: a place where every individual feels unique and an area suffused with justice. Traditionally, societies are characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions. The central figure of modern philosophy, Immanuel Kant, has a quite liberal approach on this same topic. Kant stresses that a

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