
Society Is Made To Believe That There Are Natural Distinctions

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Society is made to believe that there are natural distinctions between men and women in other words men and women should act in a certain way according to the material presented in popular magazines. Men are described as being strong and dominant and women are described as being weak and emotional, (Hargreaves, J., 2012). Additionally magazines tell the public that men and women must have different interests, men should be interested in getting drunk and driving cars whereas women should be interested in shopping and wearing makeup, (Jacobson, N.S. and Gottman, J.M., 1998). Despite that it is also clear that these fixed views are not an accurate representation of what males and females are actually like. There is a possibility that …show more content…

Alternatively, individuals are confined to agreeing with the public’s standards and acceptable behaviours. Individuals are unable to speak openly about their sexuality because due to the media the public does not represent certain sexualities as the norm, (DeFrancisco, V.P. and Palczewski, C.H., 2007). Both men and women’s lifestyle magazines have shown the public what the perfect male and female is, with men’s magazines representing ‘laddish’ behaviour and women’s magazines promoting feminine behaviour only to be able to please men, therefore excluding other sexualities as they are not seen as the norm and are therefore not important, (BARTOŠKOVÁ, I., 2009). Foucault would argue that these representations of the truth are due to scientific discourse and organisations and are always being advertised in popular magazines and in the “education system and the flux of economic and political ideologies”, (Fowler, R., 2013). Therefore the debate about where popular magazines tell the truth about magazines involves the discussion of whether magazines present the truth or whether their representation of the truth is constructed, (Weaver, C.K., Motion, J. and Roper, J., 2006). However, feminists would argue that magazines which promote women’s sexuality and represent men as being the dominant sex would become problematic in the long run, (Else-Mitchell, R. and

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