
Sociocultural Learning Theory Essay

Decent Essays

“Leo Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, introduced the Sociocultural Learning Theory. His quote that “through others we become ourselves” could be the quintessence of the Sociocultural Learning Theory, which supports that learning is a social process”.
This article consists of three main sections: a brief overview of sociocultural approaches; an examination of sociocultural method; and an overview of sociocultural contributions to research and applications to classroom learning and teaching. It explains the differences between sociocultural theories based on Vygotsky's contributions and other perspectives reviewed on this issue. It also reviews the ways in which Vygotsky’s methods were different than those of Piaget’s approaches to the …show more content…

Vygotsky (1978) found that it is cultural influences that which shapes the child’s mental development, not the child that shapes culture.
Secondly, another key in Sociocultural Learning is Language. The theory, language is a direct result of the symbols and tools that emerge within a diverse culture. An individual can learn language through a variety of events and different life situations. Using the Sociocultural Learning theory can all result in the success of language.
According to Vygotsky (1978):
This aspect of the Sociocultural Learning Theory relies upon the idea that learners go through three stages of speech development. First, they must engage in the social environment, which is known as “social speech” and begins at the age of 2. Next, they will learn about “private speech”, which occurs when learners voice their thoughts aloud, and begins at the age of 3. The last is “inner speech”, which takes the form of ideas that remain within our minds and directly impact our behavior or thoughts, and begins at the age of 7.
Thirdly, the article also summarizes the Zone of Proximal Development in the Sociocultural Theory, which is distance between a learner's possible educational development. This is determined through problem solving activities to regulate the learner’s progress. It is measured when the learner is asked to engage in these tasks under the direction of a teacher. This

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