
Sociological Analysis Of Obama

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As an area studied by humans about humans, there are realms of the human psyche not yet deciphered by political theorists, but can be explained by various sociological phenomena. Most significantly, the indiscretion of the human condition most easily manipulated is that of the perception of capable authority. The candidate that wins any presidential election is the one that the majority of voters could identify with and trust, deduced from the advertisement of the individual’s values. This inclination is identified during election time, and so emerges the mass phenomenon of charismatic authority. Max Weber outlined charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of an individual person, …show more content…

Using underlying sociological concepts to present their candidate in the best way possible meant the Democrats won the presidential vote two years running with Obama as their frontman. In a study regarding the statistical legitimacy of Obama’s success following the 2009 presidential election, the Center for American Progress wrote, “President Obama himself [...] best embodies in spirit, tone, and ideological and substantive content the emerging center spot in the American electorate today. The strong public support for President Obama reflects personal qualities and strengths that appeal broadly to Americans and genuine consensus among the public about the ideas and prescriptions necessary to navigate the country through turbulent waters.” (Halpin, 2009). While the human condition often cannot be exclusively predicted by grouping together appropriate ideological concepts, when executed with sociological phenomena in mind, it can prove to be hugely successful. The Harvard Business Review on this subject wrote, “None in our lifetimes have forged with their followers a bond so tight it transcends the

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