
Sociological Perspectives Essay

Decent Essays

Sociological Perspectives

All throughout society, the opinions of legalizing marijuana conflict with one another, placing people in the position to be on one side of the argument or the other. People either want to see the government legalizing it to the community or are totally against the subject; there is not really any ground in-between the matter. When I think of this topic I see it from two different perspectives, a symbolic interactionists point of view and Functionalism. To the symbolic interactionist’s perspective, people attach meaning to symbols and than they act according to their own interpretations of the meaning. In the case of legalizing marijuana half of people see the image of a cannabis leaf and they automatically …show more content…

There is a system in the business world just like the system in the drug-manufacturing world where the levels of power branch out making a pyramid of rank and authority. In every big business corporation you have the general manager (GM) who is typically involved in making decisions pertaining to the direction of the entire company and is in charge of overseeing all areas of the corporation. The same logic is applied in the drug world, the government or any other provider, grows and distributes the herb all over the country hiring people to sell and make a profit for them. The dealers chose where and who to sell to and how much, being in total control of their business. Next in the corporation’s chain of command, there are managers who are responsible for caring out the goals set by the top management. Drug dealers appoint people to distribute and sell their product to members of society trusting that they will be successful in making a profit. These individuals usually know others who will purchase and become regular customers; also they will probably end up bringing more business in as well. Another level of business is the customer. Without these people you can never profit or grow to become a successful organization in which people know you and are loyal to your company. This takes place in both the big corporations and the drug world. The chain of command is where most of the conflict takes place among people, they

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