
Sociology And Talcott Parsons's Theory Of Social Problems In Sociology

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Social problems can be analyzed by using the structural functionalism and symbolic interaction paradigm. The three social problems being analyzed in our discussion board are divorce rates, gender diversity and equality in the workplace, and discrimination and stereotypes towards minority groups. High rates of divorce for American families and the lasting effects these divorces have on all parties affected is one social problem faced by many Americans. One way to analyze this problem is by using structural functionalism, which explains that society is divided into different parts and each part plays a unique role in society. Within this theory, Talcott Parsons believes that one of the ways society is divided up is through our gender and that the traditional roles each gender plays adds stability to a society. Divorce may be tied into these theories and explained by more women entering the workforce and being put into competition with men than ever before. Once the genders are no longer fulfilling their individual spheres, it may cause problems through competition that ultimately lead to unhealthy relationships and end in divorce. Just as Parsons said, it would be most likely to see the rising rates of divorce as being a byproduct from the competition between men and women. Competition within traditional roles could cause negative pressures and eventually a collapse within relationships. To add to Parsons, Emile Durkheim’s theory of “social solidarity” talks about the

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