“Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset.” This quote is saying that despite the differences between the Greasers and the Socs in their community, maybe they have more in common than they thought. The gangs have different qualities and characteristics, but they have one major thing in common. They are negatively impacted by the stereotyping in their community, and the conflict that this creates between the two gangs.
“I am a greaser. I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man do I have fun!” exclaimed Ponyboy. The Greasers play the role of the unlawful “hoodlums” in their community. They are considered wild and unruly. When a Soc sees a Greaser, they assume they are dirty troublemakers and white trash. The Greasers were
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We look hoody and they look decent. It could be just the other way around - half of the hoods I know are pretty decent guys underneath all that grease, and from what I've heard, a lot of Socs are just cold-blooded mean - but people usually go by looks.” The Socs were the rich kids who lived on the West Side, and were the rival gang of the Greasers. On the outside, the Socs appeared to the community to be well behaved. Most all of the Socs drove nice corvettes and wore nice clothing, like madra shirts. They seemed to get everything they wanted, but were described as being cool, to the point of not feeling any emotions. They would drive the streets of their community, getting drunk, and looking for fights with the Greasers. They commit crimes in the community, but get away with it because of their money. The Greasers always thought that the Socs had it better than them because of their nice cars, houses, and clothes, but they find out that the Socs have it just as rough as they do, because they have a lot of the same
If you had a choice to be a Greaser or Soc ,what would you be? The Greasers have it harder than the Socs. The Greasers can get hurt mentally and physically. They can get hurt two ways .The Socs’ s had a member die because he was stabbed by a Greaser .The group called the Greaser in the book ,The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton.
The Socs and Greasers are complete opposites but they both have some of the same problems.In the book “The Oudsiders “by S.E Hinton,the main person join a gang but the gang has a enemy gang,the Socs.The socs are different to the Greasers but they both have some of the same problems.Some of the same problems the face is family issues,pressure from friends,and alcohol.
). This implies that the Socs have nothing to do, so they resort to tormenting the unprivileged instead of doing anything worthwhile. The Greasers constantly receive the blame when the Socs start a fight, and the Socs use society's prejudice against children like the Greasers when the police arrive. For example, the Socs "get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace one day and an asset to society the next" (Hinton 3). This means everyone excuses their mistakes and blames it on the Greasers, and the Socs use mindsets like those to their advantage. When compared to living life in hardship and trying to survive, misusing privilege instead of using it to improve society is far worse, and, similarly, the way they fight is immoral.
" All of Ponyboy's greaser pals--including his brothers--seem to understand that Pony is not like the rest of them. Ponyboy excels at school: He garners good grades, likes to write, and is a member of the track team. His friends all know that Pony has a chance to make it out of town, go to college and make something of himself. The other greasers have already given up on ever rising above their economic and social status: Soda has dropped out of school, Darry works two jobs, and Johnny has adapted to life on the streets; Two-Bit, Steve and Dally are already well on their way to becoming legitimate hoods.
Greasers are “read in between the lines”, so they are conceived as inadequate. Since the socs live a nice lifestyle, they have an advantage of an automatic good reputation. In chapter 1 Ponyboy remarks,”Greasers can’t walk alone too much or they’ll get jumped...We get jumped by the
Greasers are the main stereotype in the book but also there is a small part played by the Socs. Although the book is about the life and times of a Greaser there is also a ‘Socs Story’ in there, as throughout the book you learn more and more about the Socs and how they live. But this all changes. When Bob dies Cherry and Randy, the main Socs characters, begin to see that there is no difference between Socs and Greasers. Randy, when he talks to Ponyboy in private doesn’t call
The actions the socs make aren’t very friendly. When they come by greasers they also threaten them and get in the way of whatever they are doing. If it’s at night and no one is around the socs find greasers and talk to them. Socs also like to brag about being rich because the greasers are very
One of the main vs man conflict in the Outsiders is the rival between the greasers and the socs. The greasers are the east side boys who " steal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up gas stations". The greasers, due to their family background and physical appearance, are being stereotyped as individuals who are poor and are provided with fewer opportunities than others. On the other hand, the socs, are " the west-side rich kids" who come from affluent backgrounds and" likes to jump greasers and throw beer blasts for kicks". In the eyes of the public, the Socs are the social elites whereas the greasers are considered the less privileged, second-class citizens.
One similarity between the Socials and Greasers was, the Greasers and Socials both had their own parts of town that is theirs. “What do they want? This is our territory. What are the socials doing this far east?” (S.E. Hinton 54) If the Greasers were to go to the Socials part of town, they would get jumped. A second example of why the Greasers and the Socials are similar is, that the Socials and Greasers lost someone they cared very deeply about. They lost someone and they are still moving and not letting the death of a loved one hold them back. “Then I leaned back and closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see Bob lying there. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. This can’t be. . . “You really killed him, huh, Johnny.” (S.E. Hinton 57) “Johnny was dead.” (S.E. Hinton 150)
“For thugs from the ghetto, violence is a way of life - it’s what helps you survive.” The Socs and the Greasers were two gangs in The Outsiders. Throughout the novel these two gangs had a continuous rivalry. These two gangs were viewed differently by society. The Socs as rich kids and the Greasers as poor kids.
There were conflicts between the Socs that conflicted with the greasers. They were two opposite groups that didn't get along. The Socs, "the jet-set...West-side rich kids, wear madras shirts, smell of English leather, and drive new sports cars..." (6). Socs were rich, while greasers were low class. "Soc" is an abbreviation of the Socials, which are the West-side rich kids. Socs had a better reputation than the greasers.
The difference in social class definitely took its toll on the two of these gangs. The Soc’s and Greaser’s opinion would change from with experiences, but for the most part it was a clash for who owned the town. The Socs were the “good guys” and the Greasers were the “troublemakers” of town, although this was definitely not the case but because of the unchanging prejudice opinions were placed on both of the groups it would not change. For example, Ponyboy explained that maybe the Greasers and Socs aren’t so different after all. On page 40, Ponyboy starts to wonder how different he is from any of the Socs, “It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the
In The Outsiders, a book written by S.E. Hinton, there are two polar opposite gangs, the socs and the greasers. The socs, who are high class, have mustangs and “tuff” cars and wear plaid clothing called madras. The Greasers, who are lower class, are known for their long and greasy hair, wearing leather jackets and being hoods. They only have each other and always have everyone’s back. No matter the situation like leaving a door open in case they need to run away from home because of an abusive dad , they can count on one another. Ponyboy, a 14 year old Greaser, who is also the protagonist, along with other characters lose themselves while trying to be someone else they’re not. Hinton teaches us that it is important to remember that individual
In a story, there is usually a bad side of people, also known as villians and there are good people which are known as heros. Sometimes you aren’t really sure who is bad and who is good. In this book there really shouldn’t be an argument but there is. In the book the villains are the Socs and the hero's are the Greasers. There can be many reasons to prove that the Socs are more of a menace to society than the Greasers and here are some. The first reason of why the Socs are a more of a disgrace then the Greasers is because they are more violent than the Greasers. A second reason of why the Socs are more of a disgrace the the Greasers is because they think they are better than everybody else in the world, they are very arrogant which is not
The importance about a loving community is that everybody should love one another. Come together and have peace and stop all the killing,violence,crime,homicides and shootouts.Too many young children are dying,.The novel compares to community by the socs and greasers, the socs are a higher class than the greasers,the socs are rich and smarter.The greasers are more trouble makers and, not very smart.Some communities help children get over there problems, and help people get there taxes.Some communities help people with there lights and there water, gas and there phones service.And there nails and feet and hair people have to make a living in order to survive everybody has there own job to