Ashley Doman Professor West CHEM 1150 Effects Soda Has on the Human Body Around the world, us humans are still victims to not only obesity but also drinking soda after it has been shown countless amounts of times the negative effects it has on the human body. A few ways drinking soda can affect the human body is by slowly increasing one’s risk in contracting a form of diabetes, affecting your appearance and can do some damage to your organs as well. Just by solely drinking soda, studies show, it is common to show signs of accelerated aging, increasing a form of obesity, and causes a discoloration in your teeth, same as tea and coffee. “Soda increases obesity risk in children. Each additional soda or other sugary drink consumed per day …show more content…
Us as humans value life over all, and the idea that we are not working harder at maintaining the healthy lifestyle we supposedly care for so much is mind boggling. The cons do not exceed the pros in this instance. It is not unhealthy to indulge in the occasional soda but to live by it daily on basis, is not dangerous and unhealthy, but also reckless. An organ commonly at risk is the kidneys. “It only takes two cans a day to do a number on your kidney function. Researchers from Osaka University in Japan examined nearly 8,000 university employees with normal kidney function. The participants were divided into three groups: those who drank one soda a day, those who enjoyed two, and those who abstained from the fizzy stuff. After a 3-year follow-up, more than 10% of the group that drank two sodas a day developed proteinuria – an abnormally high level of proteins in urine that’s a risk factor for end-stage kidney disease” (Elias). Heart disease is yet one more effect soda could have on the human body. The heart within itself is an already fragile organ, and if someone who does not already have any form of heart disease, such as Cardiomegaly, Irregular Heart Rhythm, Congenital Heart Disease, and etc., they might just find themselves victim to these unfortunate forms of heart issues. An educational visual report on soda consumption (Photo courtesy of …show more content…
It is proven by many studies that products within a can of cola are related to types of diabetes, related to cancer, altering one’s appearance by skin and teeth, assisting obesity, and shows some form of a asthma and heart disease. “Soda is an addiction — similar to tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, it feels good when you consume it, but it can wreak havoc on your body long-term. As more and more research investigates the ill effects of soda on the human body (and the environment), it may be time for you to give it up, or at least reduce the amount you intake on a daily or weekly basis. The evidence speaks for itself: Your health will drastically improve once you begin replacing your daily Coke or Mountain Dew with water. Pretty much every organ will benefit from quitting soda” (Bushak). The need to be healthy, and treasure our bodies should be a number one priority in every one’s life. One way to do that is to drink healthy. Water, tea, and 100% fruit juice are all drinks that can easily help substitute the harmful products in soda cans. Losing weight, keeping clear skin and nice shiny teeth, and preventing health issues will never prove to be any simpler than
Recently, people have become worried about the health issues associated with consuming sugary drinks, especially soda. The rate of people being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease has been going up primarily because of beverages with added sugar (Cited in Crawford, 2016). Several studies have found that soda is linked to over 180,000 deaths per year (Cited in Crawford, 2016). An article by the Huffington Post (2011) said that an average American drinks about 44.7 gallons of carbonated beverages a year, which adds up to over 350 pounds of soda. Comparatively, in 2005 an average American drank only 0.5 gallons, making soft drinks the most consumed beverage in America (n/a, 2011). The way the government is trying to fix
People can get very sick from drinking too much sodas or anything with lots of sugar in the drink. Many things can happen if you drink too much soda or anything with lots of sugar in it. The three most important things that can happen is Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes and other Heart Problems.The problem is with sugar is that if you still drink a lot it, it can cause your teeth to root and your liver can turn into a grotesque lump of scar tissue. In conclusion, sugary drinks should have a warning Label because people need to know what is about to go into there body and what might happen to them if they consume too much of the
The first thought that most likely comes to mind is, ¨how could a beverage hurt or have such an effect on you?¨ The answer lies in the text of Russ Lloyd’s article in Scope magazine, ¨Putting warning labels on sugary drinks would save lives¨. In the text, the author addresses side effects that soda has and could have on a person, mentioning serious problems
Soda consumption can lead to numerous, serious health issues. It can decrease calcium absorption in the intestines. Calcium is necessary not only for keeping our bones strong, but also to help our nerves send messages to our brain and muscles contract. Less calcium can lead low bone density and fractured bones. Soda consumption can lead to health issues such as obesity and diabetes. The more soda consumed the higher insulin level. High insulin levels can result in visceral fat gain, leading to America’s major problem; obesity. 24.1% of Californians are obese and 18.4% are obese in Cupertino. Although our body needs cholesterol to function like anything, too much can be harmful. High cholesterol can clog the coronary arteries, which surround and supply the heart. The outcome of high cholesterol is heart disease. Another health issue which can occur if consumption of soda is very high is diabetes. Diabetes occurs when the body can’t produce enough insulin or can’t use the insulin the body produces properly. The higher the consumption of SSB(Sugar sweetened beverages) the higher chance of getting diabetes. Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, says that "the people getting diabetes are people who consume very high levels of SSBs and have only slightly reduced in these very high levels of their soda consumption."
A single can of soda can have at least ten teaspoons of sugar, that is already the daily maximum recommended intake. Sugar can increase cholesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes and weight gain.Moreover. The obesity is a colossal problem in America. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 35.9% of U.S. adults over the age of twenty are obese (CDC, 2013). The CDC also notes that 69.2% of U.S. adults twenty years of age and over are overweight. The obesity problem does not only affect adults in the U.S. The CDC notes that 18.4% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19 are currently obese (CDC, 2013). These numbers show the harshness of the obesity problem in this
Is soda really that bad? Time and time again magazines, schools, and television say that sodas are harmful to the body. They go on to scare people to death, by saying that sodas have been linked to obesity. They state that the rising consumption of sugary drinks has been a major contributor to the obesity epidemic (Harvard). They also say, that it is related to kidney damage and cancer (Boyles). In reality, these sodas are not as bad as they have been made out to be, as long as they are drunk in moderation. Drinking one soda will not kill people, soda is not the enemy! As a matter of fact, sodas have a great benefit to everyone who drinks them, from curing multiple stomach issues, giving people that extra boost to get you through the day, to using it as a multi-purpose household cleaner. Come and join the millions of soda drinkers and enjoy the pleasing taste and big benefits found is this small can.
Next, many consumers believe that drinking diet soda is healthier for you than drinking regular soda filled with sugar but studies are starting to show that artificial sweeteners may actually lead to diabetes. Mary Ann Yantis, PhD, RN, a nurse educator for Nursing Education Consultants and Kate Hunter, RD, LD (2010), a clinical dietitian at Adventist Medical Center reports (2010) that drinking more than one serving of diet soda per day can increase your risk of metabolic syndrome by more than 36%. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors, which includes hypertension, abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. These risk factors increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and stroke. This same study also reports (2010) that one diet soda per day can increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more the 67%. This is possibly due to the fact that artificial sweeteners can be up to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar and this intense sweetness can be addictive thus creating cravings for more sweetness in order to feel satisfied. Yantis and Hunter (2010) point out that the sweet taste triggers the same dopamine signals that are also triggered by drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Craving for more intense artificial sweetness will result in consuming more calories, increase the likelihood of developing insulin resistance, and more than likely affect the glucose metabolism (Yantis & Hunter, 2010).
The impact sugary sodas have on our bodies is known by everybody. But this didn’t stop people consume large quantities of sugary beverages. This is what the change observed in the consumption of such drinks appears to be curious. In accordance with the report, the average American has cut down on soda consumption by 25 percent in the last 25 years.
The soda ban is a bad idea because it excludes other sugary drinks that cause obesity and diabetes as often as soda. Diet soda can still cause diabetes even if it doesn’t have calories. Dr. Andrew Weil M.D. states “We’ve known for some time that the more artificially sweetened food and drink we consume, the fatter we get.”
According to a new study by UC San Francisco, drinking sugary drinks can accelerate aging as much as smoking does. The research team found that drinking a 20-ounce soda every day accelerates aging by about 4.6 years. People who drink a lot of sugary soda had shorter telomeres, decreasing cells ' life cycle (Bonar). The length of telomeres has already been associated with human lifespan.
Coca-Cola has been known to cause several health issues such as diabetes, liver problems and heart disease. There has been scientific research that has proven how Coca-Cola effects the human body negatively. For example, a study shows exactly what happens to the human body after an hour of drinking coke.
Focus/Thesis: Over the years soda has become a staple in our lives, and is unfortunately extremely toxic to our bodies. Which is why we need to make the effort to limit the amount we drink and make ourselves aware of the risks we expose to our health when choosing to drink soda.
According to in 2015, “Drinking large amounts of soda may affect your brain health and alter your risk of certain diseases. Naturopathic physician Scott Olson says that several scientific studies suggest that a high sugar diet may increase your risk of schizophrenia, depression and anxiety,” (Adams, “Can Food Cause Chemical Imbalance in the Brain”). Sugar in soda can advance to permanent long-term damage to the brain. Additionally, the sugar in a person’s body can increase blood pressure and dilate pupils. While, this evidence had been scientifically proven precisely there are still people who don’t see the ethics in the soda ban. That’s why a state judge ruled against it. According to in 2010, “A New York state judge struck down Mayor Bloomberg's controversial ban on large sodas on Monday, arguing that the restrictions on sugary sweetened drinks did not make sense, partly because the ban wasn't evenly enforced.” (Spector, “New Yorkers Will Be Significantly Fatter Because Of The Soda Ban Repeal”). Although the judge thinks the ban is inefficient he is inaccurate, the restrictions on the ban are based on scientific evidence. The ban will still make sense, even though it does not include diet sodas and fruit juices. Everybody knows fruit juice and diet sodas are better for people
When a person is deciding what to eat and drink, they must always look at how it will affect them, regardless of how good it tastes. Every food is filled with things that are good and bad. Soft drinks are the most consumed beverage in the world today. Unfortunately, soft drinks are extremely toxic. Whether soft drinks satisfy thirst and taste good, this should not be a good enough reason to drink it. We should all do our bodies a favor and stop drinking soda.
As an undergraduate at Lehigh University I’ve wanted to change several social, academic, and extracurricular situations that I’ve faced. Lehigh could benefit from being a more diverse educational atmosphere. The most recent student demographics statistics stated that 68% of students are Caucasian. Penn Dental would offer me a class of students with more diversity in ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds than what I’ve experienced at Lehigh. I’ve supported student groups and programming that promotes equality across lines of race, gender, socioeconomic status and sexuality.