
Soda Vs Soda

Satisfactory Essays

Having something to you can’t live without is hard to get rid of. I have a bit obsession with having a soda everyday. Through the years it had been getting harder to quit drinking it and drinking something healthy. Drinking soda, I like to have a variety of what I like. Dr. Pepper was my absolute favorite until I wanted to try something different. Now I am a big mountain dew fan. I have to have my drinks a certain way. I don’t like bottled soda that much, I don’t think it taste right. I don’t mind canned soda as long as it really cold. But my absolute favorite is fountain soda. I don’t know why bit it always taste so much better. I have one to two of them a day. If I don’t there are a lot of problems I deal with. You know soda had a lot of

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