Asexual: Softwood cuttings
Select a healthy rosemary plant cutting with good genetics that has new growth branches on it. This helps with growing softwood cuttings from scratch.
>Why I did this step is because getting good genetics and softwood cutting has more growing hormone to get it started. Also having a healthy plant from the start helps because due to the fact is has no diseases.
Then cut it on a 45 degree angle about 5 to 10 cm from the top of the cutting use secateurs make sure they are sharp and sterilized before cutting,as they can transfer plant diseases and destroy the cells on the cuttings.
>Why I would do this step cut the cutting on 45 degrees is to give it more surface area for it to take up the nutrients, water
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And all the plants can be maintained equally, if spread apart.
Put in glass house or if you do not have use some this clear film with a few hole in it so it can respirate. >Why I would do this step to protect it from the wind and if I was colder will help keep the plant warmer which assist with growth.Temperature is key when germinating seeds to they can sprout and then grow
Also label the punnett.
>Why I did this step to know when you planted the them so you can monitor how long they take to grow and know what type of plant it is.
Water the punnet regularly to keep the soil moist.
>Why I did this step water to keep growing and alive. So the germination process can occur quickly and it also can photosynthesis when it is a bigger plant.
When you can see the plant has grown and is fully grown into the punnet move it to a bigger area like a pot or a garden with lots of nutritious soil. >Why I did this because it will stop growing when all of the roots take up the punnet, so when you transport it can keep grow with more nutritions and get bigger and spread its roots
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Also when grown through a seed it helps for the starting process of germination
Bottom heat
High humidity
Time of year The cuttings are mostly taken and grown in a warmer time of year like end of February, as if it was mid winter it would be to cold for the cutting to grow
The seeds also need a reasonable warm time of year to grow as if they don't the seeds won't be able germinate
If there isn't enough light there the cutting will not be able to grow and photosynthesis.
The seeds require light when germinating as this is the direction they sprout there shoot.
In conclusion for growing a rosemary plant using the plant propagation techniques I would choose asexual. I believe it's a lot better way than sexual.Due to the fact that when you grow from a cutting it is a quicker way to grow the plant. Whereas if you grow from sexual through seeds it takes a lot longer as the seed has to germinate. Also the cutting will be similar to the parent plant you will be able to know what you are going to get. As if you used the seeds they might not be used to the environment, therefore could struggle to grow in the
The hypothesis behind this experiment is that the Gibberellic acid has a positive growth effect on the plant and causes it grow larger in height.
The results observed do not correspond with the outcome predicted by the hypothesis. Despite the nature of the subjects of the experiments, no substantial growth was observed. Only one seed of the 36 planted germinated, and it could only survive for a period of a week. The one seed that germinated reach a height of 1.2 cm. Table 1 presents the average growth observed in each quad. Each quad had a total of 12 seeds. No seeds were removed during the course of the experiment.
Throughout this experiment, we are researching the effect on the growth and survival of Wisconsin Fast Plants using fertilizer pellets to help with the growth of the plants. Wisconsin Fast Plants is a plant member of the crucifer family which is related to other plants (vegetables) such as cabbage, broccoli, turnips, etc. This plants are small and can grow very easily because they go through their cell cycle around 40 days. Wisconsin Fast Plants Fertilizers are different materials used that can provide plants with the nutrients it need to grow. (1) These plants are a good model system to study because they grew very quickly and didn’t need a lot of resources to grow making them the perfect plant to use for studies. (4) By using the fertilizers,
This then not only prevents the germination of the seed; however, if the plant were to initially germinate, it would be unable to grow any further, as without enough water, photosynthesis, nutrient transfer, or transpiration would be unable to occur; therefore, the plant would be unable to sustain (Growing Anything,
The third step that was taken was germinating the seeds. Two sets of paper towels were used to germinate the
Material: Wayfaringtree Viburnum seeds, dissecting microscope, scalpel, forceps Wayfaringtree Viburnum (Viburnum lantana) was used in this lab to conduct the growth of an embryo rescue on hormone free (0/0 WPM). The seeds that were provided first be treated with a concentration of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for about twenty-five minutes. This process will both sterilize and soften to seeds for dissecting into
Photosynthesis Lab Christina Good Biology Riker December 9, 14 In this lab the purpose was to investigate that light and water are both needed for photosynthesis. The hypothesis was if the disk was placed in light then it will float and if the disk was not placed in light then the disk will not float. The prediction for this lab is that in light the disk will float and in darkness it will not.
of work. It isn't as though one day I put the seeds into soil and a day or two
Next, take cuttings using pruners from each assigned plant and insert them in their designated area. For the Ficus, Japanese boxwood, Swedish Ivy, and Autumn Sage take one tip and one stem cutting. Each of these cuttings should be long enough to where there are four nodes present, two above the soil and two below. For the Mouse Ear Jew and the Wandering Traveler make two tip and two stem cuttings. To test the significance of polarity, take four tip cuttings from the Snake Plant, first cut one large cutting then make four V shaped cuts into it, two with tips up and two with tips down. Also to test polarity, take two cuttings from the Umbrella Palm, take two cuttings that both still have the tips on them. Take the leaves off the top and place in soil upside down for reverse polarity and one right side up for positive polarity. For the Peperomia, simply take one leave cutting and put the petiole below the soil. Next, the Mother of Thousands calls for one plantlet and one leaf cutting. Take these and place in the soil. For the Jade plant take one leaf and one stem cutting. The stem needs to have four nodes available, two above and two below. For the leaf cutting make sure it is planted about halfway into the soil. After these cuttings have been planted, put in a stake with a name on it to separate each individual’s plants.
This data shows a strange outcome, in the hypothesis; it says that “If acid is introduced to the seed during germination, then the roots will not grow as long as the seeds that are given water”. This statement proves to be untrue, because the roots grew longer with stronger acid than weaker acid, and in some, cases, grew better with strong acid than it did in water. This may be true because of the acid growth theory. The acid growth theory states that auxins cause the elongation of stem cells by promoting wall loosening. It was determined that this wall loosening is caused by hydrogen ions. This idea and subsequent supporting data gave rise to the acid growth theory, which states that when exposed to auxins, susceptible cells excrete protons into the wall at an enhanced rate, which in turn decreases the pH in the wall. The lowered wall pH then activates the wall loosening process which is essentially doing the same thing as the auxin hormone.
3. Put one wet circle into each petri dish and create raised ridges in the paper towel, creating a valley for each of the five seeds.
The germination process begins when water and oxygen are pulled into the seed by the seed’s coating. The embryo’s cells grow bigger as water and air
Now you either use budding tape or something that can fasten the bud to the rootstock but also
Next, you need to find the right seedling. Growing tomatoes and other vegetables from seeds can be more complicated
As such, decreased weed seed germination due to insufficient light-availability is likely not a major advantage of residue retention.