In the last 40 years, the rate of solid waste recycling in the U.S. has steadily increased. The now old adage, “reduce, reuse, recycle” has become ingrained in the fabric of today’s culture. The impact of your ecological footprint is a constant concern, but you may know someone who thinks less about the environment and more about their own self-interests. Most everyone knows at least one person whose self-centered view of the world leaves recycling to everyone else. In this article, learn how to appeal to their selfishness by explaining how recycling can benefit them.
Less “Ewww!” and More You
Everyone has one of those girly-girl friends. You know the type – the delicate little princess who is far too precious to break a sweat or risk her perfect
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Failing to focus on the time she’ll have for herself may reinforce her resistance to the idea.
Shine in the Recycling Spotlight
Socialite social responsibility is a hot trend and your TMZ-loving diva should soak up that idea.
Communities across the country have established recycling programs and organizations to get people involved.
Sell your social butterfly on a community recycling event or programs like Adopt-a-Highway by focusing on the media coverage, public recognition and having her name appear on local plaques and signs in acknowledgment of her environmental efforts.
Appeal to Her Greed
Recycling isn’t just about paper, plastic, glass and aluminum – it’s also about reusing and repurposing. Tempt your little gold digger with the opportunity to shop and spend more.
Show her how she can make money selling things she doesn’t want or use anymore. Old cell phones can be sold to companies that recycle or resell them. She can use websites like Ebay to sell anything from clothing to household items to unused makeup.
Selling the mountains of stuff she has can not only make money for her to buy new stuff, but can also help declutter her home, which may be more important after making a name for herself in the community. She’ll certainly want to impress all her new
For mom, I reframed the word “hoarding” to collecting. Collecting is a work that doesn’t have a negative connotation.
Recycling is one of the most common ways to keep America clean. The recycling bins are one of the most recognizable logos across the world. People all across the U.S. have recycling bins, inside of their household. The sad thing is most people do not use them, they most of the time just throw stuff in the regular trash that could be recycled. For example, plastic, paper, cans, glass, cardboard, and even computer hardware ( People don’t realize that they could be doing the world a big favor, just by recycling these everyday items.
There are so many different ways our world can recycle ,The goal is to reduce the amount of waste ,
Recycling has been the environmental crusade to reducing the human footprint, with it’s spotlight shining down on in recent years. It was the noblest of causes, recycling being a great idea for the environment and society; but it is being handled poorly. Its modern descendant has turned into a corporate scheme with recycling becoming a business, instead of being about the environment because marketers are using environmentalism as a excuse for overconsumption, recycling products are only being recycled for profit, and cities & big business use inflated numbers to attain media attention. Let’s now take a look at the bread and butter of
Going green its great for the Country and it should be by choice not by law.Americans already recycle at high rate, we do not need a law pushing us beyond what we are already doing.
Recycling is one of the many ways to decrease landfill use. Some people believe we shouldn’t recycle, while other people think we should use it more. Recycling should be practiced more and is more effective because it lowers the amount of chemicals emitted, you get lots of useful recycled materials, and it provides many jobs for people in the United States.
Everyone has been told to do this, but I don’t think everyone sees the importance of recycling. Sure, a lot of people recycle, but there are a lot that don’t. Recycling has many benefits, but the major benefit is less destruction of forests. Again, the rising population calls for many products that are made from trees, mainly paper. Everybody in the world uses paper, whether it be in the form of books, pencils, toilet paper, towels, and even shoes. All these paper products, and more, are a direct result of deforestation, for the trees are taken down and turned into these products. Say you have a whole box of school papers that you don’t need anymore, and you want to throw them in the trash. Instead of throwing it in the trash, you should recycle it. When you recycle it, the paper goes to a factory, which adds other products to it, melts it down, and molds it into other products. This process can eventually rule out the need for deforestation, reducing the effects of climate change. Clearly, recycling is one of the many sustainable solutions that can hopefully stop
Since the 1900s, Americans realized the amount of waste they produce and the damage which comes along with it. Recycling is seen as a simple process to the average person. Items such as glass, plastics, aluminum, and paper are placed on the curb and or dropped off at recycling centers. However, many lack knowledge as to where their products go after this step. The recycling process is intricate, but crucial towards improving our environment.
The revenue from selling recyclables is inevitable. On the contrary, the 500 million dollars compared to the expenses of having to monitor every citizen's trash, wouldn't near compare. How many rules would there have to be just for some trash? As a fellow citizen, going out of my comfort zone for a piece of cardboard, is a little absurd.
Thesis: For us to be able to live in a clean and healthy environment we all including the companies mass producing the recyclables need to take recycling more seriously.
“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to,” By Terri Swearingen. Recycling has been a huge deal ever since we can remember. It benefits the economy, our earth and our lives. By recycling, we create millions of jobs for people who are unemployed and change the way we live to be happier and healthier human beings. Even though recycling is not cost effective, it will save the planet as long as recycling decreases pollution and impede global warming.
inherit any assets from her parents (for her long term goals) and she considers herself young and
By recycling, people save half or more of the money they spend a year. An example is instead of buying a new case of water bottles every week, you can reuse them, which saves you more money that you can spend on things that you do need. In the article, the author stated, “Choosing sustainable materials for a product, streamlining the production process, and reducing the need for packaging all result in significant cost savings for the manufacturer.” This statement supports the fact that you should support recycling because it saves you money because the author explains that by recycling businesses save
resources for her and her peers. Ironically, her graduation gift from her father is a used
One of the worst things that people can gain from recycling is a false sense of security. Recycling is supposed to help the environment, so a person would assume that recycling sites are environmentally safe, but in reality they “are often often unsafe and unhygienic because of the harmful chemicals and large amounts of waste dumped there, which can lead to the toxication of bodies of water” (Thompson). Recycling sites are not any better than waste disposal sites, if not worse. They seem to be causing more damage than repair. Recycling paper is also counterintuitive. Paper accounts for “approximately 80 percent of all materials recycled today… yet recycling doesn’t save forests. Fully 87 percent of our paper stock