
Somatogenic Perspective

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The Psychogenic Perspective is the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological. The Somatogenic Perspective is the view that abnormal psychological functioning has physical causes. Each of these viewpoints are like each other, because they both have a view of how physical and psychological factors work together to influence what causes abnormal functioning. And If someone is experiencing something that physically affects them it will also psychologically effect the person. In a way, these two perspectives are very similar and neither one at times can work without the other. For example, if a person just got in a car accident it’s most definitely going to affect the person physically and psychologically. It …show more content…

Deviant Behavior can’t just be assumed and considered Deviant. If there was a natural disaster that just hit and every one’s houses and car’s and person belongings were destroyed there would be behavior that is deviant from their normal behavior (comer). Of course, someone is going to experience deviant behavior if they just had their house blown away by a tornado or Hurricane. Anyone would be devastated and result in different behavior, because that is a lot of stress and a terrible circumstance to experience for anyone. You also need to take someone’s culture into consideration when defining behavior as deviant, because in someone else’s culture certain behavior is considered a norm for them (comer). So, categorizing a person from a different culture as deviant behavior you have to be sure to examine their culture beliefs before being quick to judge. Criteria that must be considered under distress is that not every person that is different or act’s out in a different way than others is considered abnormal (comer). Some individual’s act out in a different way than what is normal, because to them that is what is normal. For example, some people like to wear shorts in the winter. That doesn’t mean they are weird or abnormal it means that they are different, but not classified as abnormal. A person doesn’t always need to experience …show more content…

This Model and the theory’s that are involved with it are very effective that Sigmund Freud came up with. I’m not saying that the other models aren’t just as effective in explaining the reason behind abnormal behavior, but the Psychodynamic model is the most effective in my opinion. In this model, Freud developed the idea that individual’s need to talk out their problem’s and by doing that they feel better. He experienced with numerous different client’s. He started to see that by talking with his clients he could help them uncover past traumas and inner conflicts that they needed to surface to be able to help them (comer). In the book, it talks about a man by the name of Josef Breuer who worked with Freud conducting experiments on hypnosis and hysterical illnesses (comer). This Model set’s the grounds for the start of therapy and how it helps individual’s. I think that the other model that I also connect with is the biological model. I like this model also, because some individual’s along with therapy need drug therapy. I think due to the drug therapy that this model is also very effective along with the psychodynamic model. These models of abnormal psychology are very effective and I think that they all play a way in defining abnormal behavior. The psychodynamic model weaknesses in my opinion would be that therapy alone sometimes isn’t

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