
Something Wicked Horatio Analysis

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In the beginning of the novel Something Wicked, Horatio, Mac, and Wallace fit into society. They act like good friends to each other and do activities together such as bungie jumping. Before they begin their trip to the Highland Games mountain, the three decide to go receive palm readings from a psychic. The women tells Mac that he will become king of the mountain, but Wallace will own it. Ever since Mac received that reading, he has unleashed a side that he has never shown to anyone. When Mac was told he would be king of the mountain, he truly believed in this "prophecy." In doing so, he decided to take the initiative no matter what the case was. For example, he decided to damage Bank's bagpipes. It was Bank's only opportunity to get a college scholarship. However, according to Horatio, "Mac got it into his that he was going to be the king of the mountain but that you [Banks] were going to own it. He figured the only way that it was going to happen was if you went to college and made enough money to buy it, so he paid the Hell's Pipers (A gang) to bollocks your bagpipes." In other words, Mac was trying to ensure no one but …show more content…

In doing so, he acts extremely different in public, as if he was a show off and did not want anyone to get in his way. According to Horatio, "Its been like something is taking hold of him. Some kind of monster has awakened. Every single thing he's done from that moment on has been cold and communicating, and he's not going to let anyone stand in his way." Even if it means betraying his cousin Wallace and his best friend Horatio. Throughout the novel, he lies to Horatio about everything he committed: the murders and the sabotaging. In the end, Horatio feels betrayed that a person "he knew, had grown up with, and was friend with at school" would murder Duncan MacRae and Megan

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