Women are far from weak from bearing children and being the backbone to a household. Clytemnestra has suffered alone for ten years while her husband was away for war and committing adultery in the midst of time. He left behind his loving wife and family. She left Agamemnon for another lover. Clytemnestra did only what was right as a mother, women and a wife. Her husband kills their child because he is summoned to by the God, Apollo, so the wind could blow and his ship would sail which is very unjust and cruel. Clytemnestra, as a loving mother, felt it was only right to get revenge on Agamemnon. He didn’t show any loyalty to her by bringing home a sex slave and killing their daughter showing that he really didn’t care. Clytemnestra did not deserve …show more content…
On the other hand, the play states that it is the father who has direct relations to child because the father plants the seed and the mother is just there to carry it, absurd right? This thinking is very irrational. How can you say the mother isn’t directly connected to the child when the first person a child knows is their mother? Women go through so much baring children meanwhile the men are just there for moral, emotional and physical support and don’t even know the half. Because of this thinking Clytemnestra’s son Orestes, killed her because he felt that he owed his father more loyalty than his mother. She didn’t deserve to be killed, especially by her own son, as she justified to him her purpose for her actions and he started to reason with her. However, the people believe it was the word of God that sent them to seek revenge and that shame was nothing, so he insisted and killed his mother. The play also insists that Clytemnestra be punished because she cheated on her husband. Again, she didn’t deserve to be punished because her husband brought him his mistress disrespecting their
Clytemnestra fits the character of one of the Argos’s contaminations because of her adulterous acts with Aegisthus and her psychotic murderous plans to kill her husband Agamemnon. In her point of view, justice will only be obtained of she avenges the death of her daughter Iphigenia by killing the one who murdered her, Agamemnon. Cassandra mentions this cycle of fertility and decay when she talks about “the babies wailing, skewered on the sword, their flesh charred, the father gorging on their parts” referring to Thyestes’ babies (A 1095-1097). More blood vengeance and violence only fuels what becomes a never ending cycle of death and decay within the House of Atreus. When Clytaemnestra finally kills Agamemnon she cries, “So he goes down, and the life is bursting out of him—great sprays of blood, and the murderous shower wounds me, dyes me black and I, I revel like the Earth when the spring rains come down, the blessed gifts of god, and the new green spear splits the sheath and rips to birth in glory!”, and she feels reborn from his death and even calls it a gift from the god (A 1410-1415). Not only does Clytaemnestra feel renewed from murdering Agamemnon, but she feels that it was the proper and just thing to do. Although the Furies don’t go after her since this is not a crime of matricide or patricide, killing her husband is unwise and unfair because in Agamemnon’s
Clytaemestra, whose infidelity and Agamemnon`s murder create a domino effect, which in turn brings a reign of chaos and killing begins as conspiracies and family secrets are reveled. Clytaemestra can be viewed as the unethical, evil character, nevertheless, her independed will and ability to murder, translate into strength and intellect. Clytaemestra drives the plot into "the complicated" which forms the majority of the tragedy itself.
Episode 3 begins with Creon inquiring whether Haeman is angry for the verdict of his bride, Antigone. Haeman responds that he is obedient and loves his father, despite the news on Antigone, which pleases Creon. Creon gives a speech explaining the reasons why Antigone must be killed. Creon’s reasons include maintaining control over the Thebes, as well as appearing to be a liar and inferior to women if he does not execute Antigone. Haeman responds by defending Antigone, calling his father close-minded and selfish. Creon is now outraged, as the two argue, Haeman says that if Antigone is killed, another will go to, meaning he will kill himself. Creon declares he will bring Antigone out to be killed before Haeman’s eyes. Haeman states if this happens
The Oresteia and Oedipus Trilogy have characters that either emotionally engage you to feel sympathy or sorrow for them while they go through troubles. There are also characters in these works that make you want to detest them on the basis of their character, actions, or behavior. The character that tugs at my heart strings the most between the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles is Antigone. The character between the Oresteia and the Oedipus trilogy that evokes contempt or anger is Clytemnestra. Antigone has to live with the major effects on her family after her father’s curse compounds itself into the slow deterioration of the city and her family. Antigone’s love for her family despite all odds provides an emotional connection to her since it is relatable to family life and how one wants to protect their close ones despite circumstance. I find her a sympathetic character also due to the fact that she always seems alone in her ideals. Clytemnestra on the other hand is on the other side of the spectrum; she is a manipulative sweet talker that pulls the heart strings of the reader then detaches the readers’ string and sympathy through her actions.
The female characters portrayed in Aeschylus and Sophocles’ works have considerably different personalities and roles, yet those females all have the common weaknesses of being short-sighted and stubborn. They intensify the conflicts within their families while being inconsiderate of the impacts that they may bring to their nations and societies, which leads to consequences that they are incapable of taking responsibilities for. Clytemnestra and Antigone, two major characters in their respective author’s works, possess different motivations for their deeds in the stories. While Clytemnestra is driven by the desire of revenge to murder her husband Agamemnon, Antigone acts against Creon’s will and strives to properly bury her brother. Despite having different motivations and personalities, Clytemnestra and Antigone both commit
In the Oresteia Trilogy by Aeschylus, the theme of bad mothering is evident in the way that Clytemnestra abandons and neglects her son, Orestes. In the first play, Agamemnon, Clytemnestra has been planning the murder of Agamemnon for two reasons: (1) for the sacrifice of her only daughter, Iphigenia, and because she is in love with another man named Aegisthus. In the mean time, she refuses to be a good mother to Orestes, her son. This form of neglect is based on a hatred for her husband, which has enraged her enough to kill Agamemnon in a bathtub. In this context, Clytemnestra is a neglectful mother that forgets that her son, Orestes, is becoming more aware of her treachery after the murder. In this manner, the theme of bad mothering is based on a massive form of motherly neglect for Orestes, which culminates in his desire to seek revenge for his father by killing his mother. These are important aspects of Clytemnestra’s selfishness, which has neglected to embrace the lover her son, Orestes. This form of bad mothering defines the monster within tht seeks control by the murder of her husband. In this way, Orestes grows up in a severely dysfunctional and non-nurturing environment due to the maternal neglect that he must experience in the home.
CLYTEMNESTRA: I, of all people, know what it is like to be treated as a woman. To be treated like a women means to be seen as gullible, childish, dismissed, stereotyped, and to be constantly talked to in a condescending, patronizing tone. I knew exactly how I was treating Agamemnon, I was only treating him the way he treated me. Griselda, do you not see the injustice in this? He murdered our daughter for the sake of triumph and no one questioned him, however, when I murdered him, the chorus was outraged! The chorus accused me of being “mad with ambition, shrilling pride” (654).
The bad actions of Clytemnestra are immediately seen in a negative way but she, at first, has avenged her daughter’s murder. What the chorus thinks of her is that she is an imposing figure, she is not noble and her information is unreliable. She is kind of underestimated and misjudged. She is presented as the bad woman but it is clear that the aim of Clytemnestra is taking her revenge. Aeschylus’ portrait of Clytemnestra can be seen as negative and positive; on one hand she seeks justice for her daughter, on the other she is completely incurable for the act of murder. She does not hide from her actions, instead she freely admits her murder and embraces the power and authority. It is through the inversion of traditional gender roles, adopting masculine speech, behaviors and activities, that she achieves her revenge for the sacrifice of Iphigenia. On one hand Clytemnestra’s revenge may have been seen as an upsetting act but on the other hand it let people (the audience) reflect on the traditional gender role of women in society. The power of Clytemnestra can be also seen through the chorus speech. It highlights her authority even if the chorus
In the first play, Agamemnon, Clytemnestra murders Agamemnon to retaliate for the sacrifice he made of their daughter, Iphigenia. Clytemnestra did this out of revenge, since the code of getting even demanded that someone’s murder must be avenged by their close blood relative. This called for torment at the hands of the Furies, who were female divinities of a terrible frightening aspect, that came upon anyone who murdered a close blood relative. In the second play, The Libation Bearers, Orestes kills Clytemnestra to avenge the murder of Agamemnon. This act is still maintaining the revenge principle, but it is committed primarily at the instigation of Apollo. Apollo takes center-stage in the third play, The Furies, to argue in defense of Orestes in a trial supervised by Athena. This ultimately leads to the end of revenge killing and the establishment of a new order of justice based on the laws of the
For many years, society has created many stereotypes as to why women must be modest, weak, sensitive, and submissive. These stereotypes towards women can be seen in the main female characters in the plays Antigone and Agamemnon. Throughout both plays, stereotypes are brought up by many characters, but Clytemnestra and Antigone do not act like stereotypical women because they are strong, smart, and are not submissive to men. The authors of the play portray Antigone and Clytemnestra with male characteristics, which gives them power and is used to defy the law and their duties as women by taking responsibility and justifying their actions to bring honor to one of their family members.
The Oresteia is a story of tragedy and compromises an outline of revenge. In modern Western principles, revenge appears to be a slightly restricted concern. However, in the hierarchical world of Greece, revenge is an enacted and endorsed principle that is a societal norm. In the Oresteia, revenge is used to examine the nature of human act and impulse, just like justice and transgression. The Oresteia emphases on revenge happening within a family that leads to ferocity and differing commitments.
The first play, Agamemnon, tells about the return of the King from the Trojan wars and how his wife has chosen to react to the reunion. Clytemnestra is the queen who was angered by the fact that Agamemnon was away for a decade and that the King sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia to one of the gods. In one part of the play, the Chorus of Elders chants "Zeus who hath paved a way for human thought, by ordaining this firm law 'He who learns, suffers'" (Aeschylus, trans. 1893, 1.176-179) which speaks to the law that was formed by the words. The people of Greece followed the law that a person who commits a crime, whether that be a recognized law or one that the punisher deemed appropriate, is subject to some form of punishment. In Agamemnon's case, Clytemnestra believed that his actions justified his death. She did not believe that it was murder because his actions justified her actions.
In “Antigone” by Sophocles, a famous ancient Greek tragedian, the main character, Antigone, demonstrates a prohibited action in a strict, male-dominated society. Greek civilization upheld strong values and rules that were designed to enforce orderly behavior among its people. There were state laws created by the King, Creon, and divine laws created by the Gods. Divine law was superior to the king laws, and if that rule was disrupted, eternal consequences could ruin an individual. In this society, men were mighty, powerful, and in control of the kingdom. Women were traditionally treated as an underclass with no voice or power. Women were restricted from performing any masculine jobs, holding high civilization positions, and disobeying men. Although Greek civilization had strict standards for women, Antigone challenges the law through her actions in order to satisfy the Gods because it is what she thought was the right decision.
When one person thinks about the word suffering a lot of emotions and meanings can all flow in at once. It is a word that not many people want to talk about let alone feel it. However it is a truly amazing emotion; to suffer. That word can mean so many different things to so many different people. It is up to that one person to make a choice and define that word for themselves. The reason as to why one must define the word themselves is because it is a personal emotion. One person cannot tell another that they are suffering or that the event that has just occurred made them suffer. Unfortunately this feeling does occur quite often but in many different scenarios. For example in Sophocles’ play Antigone there are a few characters that one might say suffered. The two characters that are believed to suffer the most in this play are Antigone and Creon, however Creon does suffer more than Antigone.
Society establishes a set of expectations by which males and females are expected to conduct themselves. For example, a mother is expected to nurture her child, stay at home to take care of her children, be patient, be kind, love unconditionally and to never get angry. If a mother does not live up to these expectations established by society, then that mother is deemed a “bad mother.” Since a mother gives birth to her children and nurtures them, a mother who kills her children is considered to be unredeemably bad. Medea, in the play of the same name, kills her two sons and by societal standards, she would be deemed a bad mother. Contrary to society’s expectations of mothers, I will argue that Medea is not a bad mother. I will do this by proving that: Medea defies the social conventions of motherhood in three ways; she kills her children in order to protect them; and, that she rebels against her husband’s control and male domination by depriving him of his “immortality” by killing his sons and ending his bloodline.