
Essay on Sound of Waves

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Tone evokes different emotions from the reader regarding situations in a story. The tranquil diction used by Yukio Mishima in The Sound of Waves is very important to the calm island setting used in the story. The author's smooth word choice complements the burgeoning love between Shinji and Hatsue, the two main characters. Mishima's style also accentuates many instances of situational irony between the two young lovers and is only one of the many elements he uses in his composition. The Sound of Waves is a love story about Shinji and Hatsue and how they conquer the cruel gossip of the village they live in. The lack of control Shinji and Hatsue have of slanderous rumors created by the villagers is the groundwork for the situational …show more content…

The tone is one of negativity, in that Mishima compares the actions of love to that of a very destructive storm, juxtaposing the two which gives the element of foreshadowing. Mishima leads his audience to believe he is not a fan of imprudent gossip or love. Unlike a typical love story, Mishima does not concentrate on the overwhelming feelings of devotion Shinji and Hatsue have for each other, but pays more attention to the deep feeling of pain the two experience when they are kept apart in, "the boy knew only unhappiness as he wandered about the shrine until exhausted" (122). Mishima allows the reader to perceive love as a minor emotion humans experience. Even at the end of the novel, when Hatsue and Shinji finally work out the problems between their families due to the gossip of townspeople, Mishima doesn't embellish the engagement of the two lovers. "‘If I got my license, I guess it'd be all right to have the wedding then.' Hatsue made no reply but only smiled shyly" (178) is all he writes of the engagement. In doing this, Mishima demonstrates disdain for foolish gossip in his reference to the village. "Even though it was always a day late, village gossip reached the lighthouse together with the daily deliveries of food" (114), depicts the sarcastic tone the author employs in his references to "false gossip" (115). By comparing the rumors to groceries, he makes the gossip stand out as an everyday necessity. The writer does not have patience for

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