
Spanish American War Essay

Decent Essays

The analysis of the end of the Spanish-American War leaves great scope for 19th Century International Relations on the actions of the United States against the Spanish in facing Cuba’s seek for independence. The confrontation that took place in the interwar period with idealism and realism was the one that maintained the international order where realists defended the egoistic behavior of the State and the idealists the consolidation of a security system. The principles of idealism proposed by the United States in the inter-war period between 1918 and 1939, in which President Woodrow Wilson fosters the creation of the League of Nations in order to consolidate a security system based on harmony, whose main objective was the diffusion of internal philosophy as foreign policy has been controversial to this day. Many historians and Americans opted that The United States’ involvement in the Spanish-American War was out of pure self-interest, but in reality, their actions …show more content…

Just like Cuba, the United States had fought the Revolutionary War with the desire to break off Great Britain’s abusive rules and free themselves from the monarchial absolutism. With that being said, the United States acted on both self-interest and national solidarization. While the United states wanted to be depicted as a powerful nation, they clearly stated in the Teller Amendment their lack of interest in the annexation of Cuba, yet the Pratt Amendment compromises Cuba to sell or “lease to the United States lands necessary for coaling or naval stations at certain specified points” for their welfare. At the end of the war, though, The United States gained political dominance over a country who once ruled over an entire

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