Position Rough Draft When it comes to disciplining a child, some parents will resort to spanking, or better known in the South as a “whupping”. “The origins of the anti-spanking prohibition have a lot to do with two social phenomena of postwar America: the rise of popular psychology and the breakup of the extended family (4). Those who were spanking as children argue that they “turned out just fine”, and these parents believe that spanking is the most effective form of punishment, while there have been studies conducted that have interesting results that may come as a shock to those parents. Their studies have concluded that spanking could lead to many negative effects throughout the child’s life and on into adulthood. The scholars who …show more content…
Those who are against it go on to say that spanking causes the child and parents bond to be unhealthy. Most studies have found that the relationship between the child and parent decreases and that “children who are spanked have a less trusting and affectionate relationship with their parents and feel less guilt about misbehavior, as opposed to concern about being caught (3). Spanking is known to have only one positive effect, and that is to stop the disliked behavior immediately. Spanking can be defined as a lesson taught out of violence, and violence is defined as “an act carried out with the intention, or perceived intention, of causing physical pain or injury to another person.” ( 6 ). If this is the way spanking is defined, what are we teaching our children? We are teaching them that it is okay to act out of violence when they become frustrated, and that it is okay to hit someone when they are upset with them. Many believe that since spanking is done out of anger, parents who spank are more likely to commit child abuse when disciplining their children. Studies have shown that children who are spanked have a greater tendency to fear their parents and not have a loving child/parent bond. Dr. Aminifu R. Harvey, a professor at the University Of Maryland Baltimore School Of Social Work, stated that, “Studies have shown that children spanked in anger lose respect for the parents and view them as out of control—negating the whole point of discipline, which is to muster self-control” (2). It is also believed that spanking can cause a child to start lying in order to avoid getting caught and being punished. Along with that, some also believe that spanking is leading to children learning to become sneakier in order to not get
Researchers have studied that spanking is effective for anyone’s child who had experienced the pain of spanking on their bottoms or any part of their body because it has shown that it has increased the aggressiveness as well as mental issues towards his or her families and peers. For instance, in a book that was based on a true story called “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” where Henrietta had a cervical cancer in her, so years has passed by she had died from the cervical cancer and leaving her children behind. The children had nowhere else to go but to live with their aunt’s house named Ethel. Later Ethel had decided to abuse these children because she had hatred towards Henrietta who Galen was interesting to be with her instead her wife, Ethel. Ethel starves Henrietta’s children by walking them at dawn and forcing them to do chores. In the summer she sends them to Clover to pick the worms off the tobacco leaves and if they ever stop she would beat them. Out of the most of who got abused was Joe Lacks who changed his name to Zakariyya because she would abuse him for no reason by forcing him to stand in the dark basement for hours on end. Over the years now that Ethel has completely crossed the line of abuse he had gotten downright angrier and angrier by having him to have mental disorders, aggressiveness as well as anger because of what he had experienced in the past now that it has permanently affected him for a while by having problems in his later life and becoming an alcoholic, getting himself in trouble as well as murdering someone. Many people say that spanking is a good example of punishing your child, however; parent’s need to realize that if they have crossed the line from spanking it is now considered as abuse
Spanking is subjective in the least. Most parents suggest that using spankings as a form of discipline is essential to the development of a compliant child. For most Americans, this truth is one of the core foundations of the American model home. “70% of mothers indicated they had spanked their child at least once by the time he or she was 2-years-old” (Lee, Altschul and Gershoff, 2015.) There are numerous amounts of evidence that point to the certainty that spanking is linked to child aggression. In,
Spanking is a fiercely debated social issue in many countries, such as the US, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, and Germany. There are questions over what intensity of pain is suitable until it crosses the threshold into abuse. Up until the mid-20th century it was perfectly okay in most communities for a spanking to cause a child to cry in pain throughout and have difficulty sitting down afterward, even resulting in stripes or bruises for days. Nowadays several think even mere redness of the skin abusive, while others would call it effective discipline. This causes questions as to whether children should be spanked. In addition, whether spanking is an effective method of discipline and at what point does it constitutes child abuse.
As a result of spanking, some parents say that spanking is just a strike on the buttocks, unlike some parents then progress to child abuse. Spanking can go out of hand sometimes, which then spanking is viewed as child abuse. Parents let their emotions control their actions, which then initiates the parent taking their anger out on their kid. Emphasizing the initial act of spanking, it can start with a simple spank but as spanking progresses the disciple of spanking begins to increase as being the main disciplinary action. In Forms of Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behaviors, the author Lansford tries to state that while you can mildly spank your child to try to show them
The common misconception that spanking is a form of child abuse affects the proper discipline of today's youth. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method of belief from their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my goal is to show that if the
The more a child is spanked between the ages of 3 to 5 the more likely they will become aggressive (Online Psychology). Spanking can cause mental health problems and can have anti-social behavioral issues. Children that get spanked tend to defy their parents and have cognitive difficulties. When parents spank they think it is to help their child now what is right and wrong, but spanking has accidental detrimental outcomes. You don’t have to hurt a child to punish them, in 2014 about 80% of people spanked their kids. If the parent was spanked as a child the parent is more likely to support spanking
When someone becomes a parent they constantly worry about how their child will turn out, if they’ll raise their child correctly, and some people even obsess with wanting to use the best disciplinary methods on their children. Everyone has their own input, their own view, and their own opinion about how to parent a child correctly. Spanking is a universally debated topic. Many experts go against corporal punishment, but many parents still think that spanking is an effective discipline strategy. Should they do it? Is it effective? What are the consequences and the effects? Throughout my paper I will go over the many reasons as to parents should not spank their children.
Spanking is the act of striking child with open hand, belt, paddle or swish. It is a common form of punishment especially among children. Spanking is a controversial with some researchers maintaining that it is helpful and making spanking not abusive. Spanking assist parents to exercise authority over the child, once spanked a child understand whatever they have done was wrong and not to repeat it again. (Riffe 2011) Children are also able to understand the required norms of the society once they grow up. Other saying that research shows that spanking makes a child aggressive and develops a poor relationship between parents and their child. (Gershoff, 2002)
Even after years of research, the issue of whether spanking is an adequate discipline strategy or damaging to children remains a controversial topic. According to Kazdin and Benjet (2003) the definition of spanking is “. . . hitting a child with an open hand on the buttocks or extremities with the intent to discipline without leaving a bruise or causing physical harm (p. 100). In addition, according to Maguire-Jack, Gromoske and Berger (2012) only a few studies propose that spanking is an effective form of discipline. On the other hand, there is more evidence to show that spanking is an unsuccessful form of discipline that can led to unwanted consequences (p. 1960). I personally do not take a stance in this topic because I can see valid points from both parties. Although, I believe that the way the punishment is presented to the child is extremely important. For example, I feel that the child should know why he or she is punished and what is expected of them thereafter.
They believe the studies that prove spanking can be helpful, think spanking is not always wrong, or believe that harmful effects could be caused by personality differences. Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychology professor, did a study that found that people who could recall being spanked as a child had performed better in school and showed more optimistic qualities than people who were not spanked. The research completely contradicted the studies that showed spanking to be harmful. (3) Some experts take note that 50 years ago the majority of children were spanked by their parents and today there is a significant decline in the amount of children being spanked; but today more children are shown to be aggressive than in the past. There is also a possibility that the “bad effects” in spanked children could have been caused by the child’s personality or the behavioral differences that warranted the spankings. (4)
Have you ever been spanked as a kid and felt angry towards your parents? Did you feel they just hated you? Spanking is a form of corporal punishment which is a punishment intended to cause pain in many different ways. Corporal punishment started in slavery and led to schools and homes. Although many states have banned corporal punishment it is still allowed in 19 out of 50 states. Many adults will agree children just need a ‘good ol’e spanking’ and others will argue that it is a negative way to parent and causes more problems. Spanking children is not a proper way of parenting because it gives a negative effect on children.
The issue of spanking has become an important social controversy over the past few decades. As a result, some people are bringing out some negative opinions against spanking. One of them argues spanking is really unnecessary and not effective when parents disciple their sons and daughters because it might not be helpful directly changing children’s wrong behaviors result in parents’ abuse and family violence. On the other hand, I do not agree with that because parents’ discipline when a child got mistake is supposed to be under a type of affection toward them, so people would know parents rarely spank them either to express their anger or to beat them severely. Sometimes people may not agree with them, but we need to remember that parents only
Most parents have debates in whether "to spank or not spank' when it comes to their children discipline. However, the first and the most common response of many parents are to spank, then probable trouble back in their mind and ask themselves, did my response was okay? Many parents do not even bother to stop and think through their actions. Commonly corporal punishment comes out of hands; it is not disciplined anymore it becomes abuse. All parents have their tradition of discipline and probably believe is the correct one, because they were taught that way, some are okay, but others are “NOT” correct. Although some of the parents blame their own child, themselves or whatever is happening around them. The parents need to discipline their child in a way that is not
A recent study shows 70 percent of parents believe it is right to discipline a child through physical means. Most commonly, parents will spank their children but being hit with things like belts or other objects happens as well. Parenting methods haven’t changed much with time and discipline in similar no matter the country. With more studies out to find the most effective method of parenting and discipline it’s coming to attention whether or not physical harm is the best way to teach children. Parents want what is best for their children, so it is important to constantly bring up and question methods commonly accepted in the past. One method that is becoming more controversial is spanking children. Though it is still considered normal to do, it is gaining more traction and more studies are being done to find the problems it causes. Checking on parenting methods can be difficult as everyone is raised differently. It is also difficult to test which forms of punishment lead to certain outcomes. However, there is a trend of negative effects from hitting. Gershoff acknowledges, “several national professional organizations have called on parents to abandon spanking as a child rearing practice and for professionals to recommend disciplinary alternatives to spanking.” Spanking children is a terrible discipline method as it has negative effects.
The authors first identified the determinants of spanking through a review of works on spanking. (Berline et al. 2009;). They found that gender of the children played a factor, which boys more likely to be spanked than girls. (4). They also found the age, experience, mental health, temperament, family background, and life experience of the mother to be major factors. (5). They also found race and socioeconomic status to be factors, with African-American children being more likely to be spanked at all ages and children in lower income families more likely to be spanked. (5).