
Sparta Social Structure

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Sparta was ancient Greece most dominant City-State with the military power to defend, if not attack, any intruder. Sparta owed this military efficiency to its social structure in the region. Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an oligarchic city-state, ruled by two hereditary kings equal in authority. Spartan society was largely structured around the military, and around military training. Inhabitants were classified as Spartiates or Spartans which were citizens who enjoyed full rights, the Perioeci who were free non-citizen inhabitants that worked as craftsmen and traders, and the Helots who were state-owned enslaved non-Spartan population ( Staff, 2009).
From the moment, a Spartan girl or boy came into the world, the military and the …show more content…

In these barracks, they were taught discipline, athletics, survival skills, hunting, weapons training and how to endure the pain. At the age of twenty in the barracks, the male Spartans become soldiers for the state. A Spartan was taught that loyalty to the state came before everything else, including one’s family ( Staff, 2009).
Female Spartans enjoyed status, power, and respect that was unequal to any other city-state, or even the rest of the entire classical world. Sparta women could own property, which they often gained through dowries and inheritances. Spartan women were considered some of the richest members in society. Since their husbands were killed due to the many wars, Spartan women controlled 2/5th of Spartan land (Cartwright, 2013).
However, this soldier centered state was the most liberal state in regards to the status of women. While women did not go through military training, they were required to be educated along similar lines. The Spartans were the only Greeks not only to take seriously the education of women, they instituted it as a state

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