
Speakers In Marlowe�s Passionate Shepherd And The Nymph's Reply

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The speakers in Marlowe’s “Passionate Shepherd” and Raleigh’s “The Nymph’s Reply” have different views of love. The shepherd believes that love is a pleasurable emotion that should only be experienced in nature. This concept of love is illustrated in the verses “Come live with me and be my love/And we will all the pleasures prove/That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,/Woods, or steepy mountain yields.” (lines 1-4). He wants to, ensure that love is forever lasting, it will always be around and it will never die. On the contrary, the Nymph replies to the Shepherd was that love will eventually die because everything does and love is no different. That love can't stay young because if it were, that would mean that everything in the world would live forever and the world wouldn't function that way. Her reply to the Shepherd in Raleigh’s story was “If all the world and love were young/And the truth in every shepherd’s tongue/These pretty pleasures might me move/To live with thee, and be thy love.” (lines 1-4). The speakers in Marlowe’s “Passionate Shepherd” and Raleigh’s “The Nymph’s Reply” have different views of Nature. The shepherd wants to express his views to the Nymph that nature is beautiful, young and everlasting. He wants some kind of love like that in which he expresses through nature, he tells her that he wants to sit with her by the rocks and watch the shepherd as they feed their flocks. Also, watch the birds and hear them sing in the sky, to embrace and

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