
Special Agent Application

Decent Essays

When I was seven years of age, my brother received a card in the mail with pictures of men and women in military uniforms standing proud. My mom, out of fear for her only son’s life, ripped the calling card in two and tossed it in the trash, hoping that her son would never lay eyes upon it. I picked up the card from the trash can and I knew right then that that’s what I was meant to do. Being a member of the United States Army is my calling When I was seven years of age, my brother received a card in the mail with pictures of men and women in military uniforms standing proud. My mom, out of fear for her only son’s life, ripped the calling card in two and tossed it in the trash. I picked up the card from the trash can and I knew right then that that’s what I was meant to do. Being a member of the United States Army is my calling and, after discovering through the U.S. Army website, I would like to contribute my abilities to the U.S. Army as a Criminal Investigation Special Agent.

Growing up, I have worked on my abilities in preparation for the military. During stressful situations, I place two figures on any artery that is close to my skin to monitor and control my heartbeat. This technique has come in handy when in fearful situations. In my free time, I have well-reversed myself in deciphering body language. This is a helpful tool in telling whether an individual is being deceitful or in predicting their intentions. Along with these survival skills, I know a few martial art techniques. For two years, I was trained in Taekwondo in the Guangdong providence in China. …show more content…

If you wish to contact me, my email is and my phone number is (570) 809-1640. Thank you for taking your time to read my information. I shall be waiting to hear from you Sargent. and I would like to contribute my abilities to the U.S. Army as a Criminal Investigation Special

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