
Speech On Respect And Awareness

Decent Essays

Respect and awareness have become a permanent part of my core values, along with a slew of other concepts such as loyalty, individuality, compassion, patience, organization, and integrity. While I will not claim Seventh-day Adventism as a value of mine, I am a firm believer in God and I value my faith highly. Living overseas taught me the importance of cultural awareness. I have lived all over America, as well as in South Korea, Singapore, and Israel. At one point in time, I went to school with 4,000 other students, and I discovered the need for respect. One day during my 6th grade year, I saw a girl crying in the corner because she was bullied for wearing a hijab. However, were she to remove her hijab, her family would disown her. Little did we know as sixth graders, she wanted out of her religion. Her family was pulling her out of 6th grade to marry her off. Yet we were too concerned with her difference in physical appearance to show any sensitivity towards her religion. Today, we are often bombarded with other people’s viewpoints. There are protests and movements for LGBTQ+ rights, black lives, gun rights, and so many more. While I do not necessarily agree with every viewpoint of others, as that would be impossible, I am a huge advocate for respect. Each person is entitled to their own set of values, and if each person were to be judged for those values, no one would be unique. Therefore, I believe it is incredibly important to respect others, but I do not feel the need

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