
Speech Pathologist Admission Essay

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When people ask me why I chose this field, I always get a feeling that my reason is somewhat of a disappointment once I tell them. I blindly chose this field the night before UNT orientation. I had very minimal knowledge of what it entailed, and I knew of one woman who was a Speech Pathologist and enjoyed it, so there I was the next day getting my course schedule filled out by Lauren Mathews. My quick impulse and “go with the flow” attitude of this event still somewhat surprises me, but it’s not without success. When I began my undergraduate career in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology at UNT, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But after taking a handful of classes, I was excited to find out that the major had many interesting aspects to it, including my favorite; science. After being in the program for a year, speech therapy began to grow on me more and more. Not only was I fortunate enough to actually enjoy something blindly chosen, but for once in my life I was beginning to feel passionate about …show more content…

I know I can be a great assistant, but that is not what I want for myself, I want to be a Speech Pathologist working in a hospital and helping people with traumatic brain injuries. This is a long-term goal that I’m willing to spend years reaching, because if given the opportunity to work with this population, I will get to blend not only my general knowledge, but also my love of science and desire to help others. I have had no experience with disabled people, and being in this undergrad program is my first- hand look at seeing what it’s like for those with disabilities to struggle daily and have frustrations I can’t even begin to imagine. This genuinely gives me a whole-hearted desire to help others and give them the assistance they need to live like everyone else, something I never truly had a passion for until

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