
Spielberger Test Anxiety

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Purpose An extensive amount of literature confirms that cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective intervention for anxiety disorders. Several reviews have also indicated exam-related anxieties as producing the majority of college students’ stress, with emotionality and worry proving as the best predictive models (Reetz, Barr, & Krylowicz, 2013). This study is designed to determine the impact of therapy and mental disorders on the academic achievement of students. This project will be based on the cognitive model; in that the way we think about a situation will influence how we feel emotionally (Beck, 2011). Specifically, the research will determine the relationship of the moderating variables of academic performance when graduate students receive cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help reduce their anxiety levels. This research will emphasize …show more content…

To contend with the previous literature, this research will use the previously validated Spielberger Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) as a quantitative method to yield ordinal data measures of anxiety. The TAI is a close-ended, self-report questionnaire that consists of 20-items and has been found to have great test-retest reliability, with r=.80 (Spielberger, 1980). Using a Likert scale, it is scored to determine the participant’s severity of test anxiety: 1=almost never, 2=never, 3=always, 4=almost always. The TAI also yields two subscales, emotionality (TAI-E) and worry (TAI-W); each subscale consists of eight different items (1980). From the initial screening, students with high test anxiety, as determined by the TAI, will be identified and invited to participate in this study. Finally, although demographics will not be used when determining the population sample, researchers will include three additional questions to determine the participants’ race, age, and gender. This will allow future readers to recognize the population’s

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