
Essay Sports Massage- Case Study

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This essay will explore the value of massage in the overall management of an athlete with lateral knee pain, and a diagnosis of Ilio tibial band syndrome.
It will explore the use of massage generally then focus on specific techniques used in myofascial pathologies. It will also describe the techniques employed, the clinical reasoning for their choice and the relevant supporting evidence.
The relevant anatomy will be discussed as well as the proposed influences of massage on these structures using current literature to support these hypotheses.

Massage has been used around the world for thousands of years for rehabilitation and relaxation (Weerapong et al, 2005). Massage is the treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body …show more content…

Distally it attaches to Gerdy’s tubercle on the anterolateral aspect of the tibia having passed over the lateral femoral condyle (Fairclough et al, 2006).
Miller et al (2007) showed greater knee flexion and internal hip rotation in runners with ITBS at heel strike. Using a simple biomechanical they showed that both factors increased stress on the ITB.
Biomechanical studies show that maximum compression of the ITB over the lateral femoral condyle occurs at 30 degrees flexion of the knee (Orchard, 1996) hence it has been assumed that the band actually moves over the condyle.
MRI findings in a study by Nishimura et al (1997) suggest soft tissue inflammation and /or oedema rather than focal fluid collection. This study also showed no alteration to the structure of the ITB itself, and that the posterior fibres are tighter against the femur. A further study involving cadavers and MRI by Fairclough et al (2006) show ITBS is more likely to be highly innervated fat compression beneath the tract as different parts of the distal ITB come under tension- i.e. anterior and posterior sections.
One of the commonly quoted conservative interventions for ITBS is massage or more precisely myofascial release techniques (Brukner and Khan, 2006; Chaitow and DeLany, 2002; Pettit and Dolski, 2000). Indeed Fredericson (2005), states “Identifying and eliminating these myofascial components complements physical therapy and should precede strengthening and muscle

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