The specific area where Islamic culture developed took place in most of Central Asia, near the desert, where it eventually spread over several parts of the world. This divisive religion was originally introduced into the practices of Muhammad, who was believed to be the messenger of God. It rapidly surfaced over the Arabian Peninsula in a total of 20-30 years.
During later centuries, it spread even quickly through India and Spain, where it traveled through both the east and west of those two countries. It continually persisted to spread through Southeast
Asia, where Indonesia, In particular, was able to achieve the practice of Islam through the Arab traders. Although it was connected with two silk roads to China, half of Asia, and the
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It described the distinctive personality of the Islamic prophet, and the faith of the Muslims; the logical and precise principles that were immersed in brilliant truth, the positive attitude of the aspects toward humanity, and the prospected truth of its principles.
Islamic practice also signals a radical change in the way that religion was reflected, which in this case, people were not forced to believe in aspects that went against their own upbringing. There was certain freedom from this that allowed them to choose what they thought was necessary for their way of life, especially in worship and morals of the church. According to writer Asghar Ali
Engineer, He states that “earlier non-Muslims, who had to shield their positions among new power elite, converted to Islam and through them many of their dependents too embraced
Islam. Thus, in conquered countries both poor and a section of wealthily supported Islam.”
This traces to the next reason Islam remains the pivotal religion, and that happens to be the way that taxes (jizyas) is handled, in which non-Muslims have to a pay a pretty hefty amount, but
In 610 AD, Muhammad had received a message through the Angel Gabriel from Allah and about 2 years later, he started to spread Allah’s word throughout the Arabian Peninsula. This word began to spread quickly and was named into the religion Islam. But why exactly did Islam spread so quickly? Others may think otherwise that military conquest had contributed the most to Islam, but the main two reasons that contributed strongly to Islam growing is trade and treaties/taxes/toleration.
n the 600’s, Islam spread north to Armenia. According to the Document C Spread of Islam map, the orange spreads past the “Armenia” label. The orange stands for territory added between 632 and 661. The pink is excluded because it stretches into the 700’s, which consequently makes it hard to tell when the territory was added. Muhammad and his group started in Medina, and went through Iraq, Syria, and Iran. Truly, it’s astounding how far this has spread.
During the time around 610 C.E when Muhammad lived in the Arabian Peninsula, Islam began spreading quickly for many different reasons. Historians believed that Islam spread for the reasons of trade, military conquest, and the treaty. People disagreed with this event because they had different perspectives on what were the main events for Islam spreading so quickly. The most important reason for Islam spreading so quickly was trade routes connecting to different areas.
Mecca, the city where Islam was founded, was the meeting point of three large trading routes that lead to the Silk Road(Doc A). When these traders went through this town they saw wealth and prosperity. They took note of the religion and spread the word of the town. It wasn’t long before the whole Arabian Peninsula had heard about the religion. This helped unify the Arabian peninsula which let the next factor of military conquest even take place.
Islam spread quickly through
Lastly, Islam spread quickly through military campaigns which is depicted in “The Spread of Islam (map)” (Doc. C) This map shows how the people that were conquered by the Muslims chose to convert to Islam
As a matter of fact, Mecca was the crossroads of the lucrative caravan trade. Vast camel trains, bearing spices, perfumes, precious metals, ivory and silk, filed through the town, headed north on the way from Yemen to the markets of Syria, etc. (Doc A). In addition, Doc A, also illustrated on a map that these trade routes lead all across the East, from Arabia, all the way to China proving that Islam had the means to travel rapidly. For instance, on trade routes such as the Silk Roads, traders could spread Islam all the way to China and India, making it easy for Islam to spread large distances. However, this information doesn’t explain why it traveled rapidly along these mentioned trade routes. Certainly, this can be explained by the process of cultural diffusion, in which a group’s cultural beliefs are spread from one group to another. In fact, through cultural diffusion, traders could pick up some Islamic influence, and spread it to the other trade
One of the first major reasons for the swift spread of Islam was
In the 7th and 8th centuries, Islam spread from its beginnings in Arabia to cover the entire Middle East and parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. As (Document 8) shows, by the year 750, Islam stretched from Eastern Persia in the Middle East, all the way to the westernmost edges of Spain and North Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Islam expanded so rapidly because of its techniques on conquering unstable areas and converting people to Islam, preventing setbacks and obstructions. Islam had three main reasons for its eminent prosperity. The way that Muslims treated the conquered people allowed for peace throughout the empire. Tolerance, combined with the military power, a disciplined army, and an overall appealing religion of Islam, provided the template that allowed the empire to expand to encompass an enormous amount of area.
During the time 600-1450 CE, the Silk Road was just starting to develop. Trade between inner Eurasia and outer Eurasia induced the influential trade system. Inner Eurasia being located in the north and outer Eurasia located in the south. Both
So that’s how Islam spread very quickly. Each reason was more important than the one above it.
Islam is one of the major world religions that quickly proliferated across the world. The spread of Islam started when Prophet Muhammad began to address the public a new revelation that he received from God in 632 CE. It was later written in the Quran, which is the Islamic sacred text. The religion united everyone under one rule and appealed to all because there was no hierarchy. It particularly diffused during the Middle Ages, when Islam had a great desire in exploring new information, developing extensive trade and creating a powerful military system in the Middle East and North Africa, which helped the Islamic World dominate politically and religiously.
Islam was a very popular religious belief that had followers from all around, but we ask why
September 11, 2001. “Islam equals terrorism” is a thought of most people when they hear the word “Islam”, but many people don’t immediately think of the greatness of Islam, like how the religion spread so fast in such little time. Islam is the second-largest and the fastest-growing religion in the world that began in the 7th century. When Muhammad first began spreading his religion, he had as little as 70 families as members. A century after Muhammad’s death, Islam already spread to Europe and Asia. As of last year, there was about 50 Muslim-majority countries with approximately 1.5 billion people praising the religion. Islam is a religion with many requirements such as fasting, praying everyday, free-will donation, and many more. So, why would a religion with so many demanding rules become so popular? Islam spread quickly because of trade, military conquests, and because it was an amiable religion that was fair to all people with its laws set for the people.
Islam is a major world religion. Its origin can be traced back to 610 CE in Arabia. The basis of this religion is the revelations to the prophet Mohammad. Dissatisfied with his life, he traveled to deserts, hills, and the wilderness surrounding Mecca, where he lived, to meditate and reflect. He became a new man through his revelations, which many of his followers believe Allah transmitted to him through his angel Gabriel. Islam was originally an Arab religion, but many different beliefs and practices were added to it, making it extremely popular and aiding in its rapid spread. This new religion spread to many different areas surrounding Arabia, both under Mohammad and after his death. The Muslim Empire grew to encompass Spain and