
Stafford And Warr's Reconceptualizing Deterrence Theory

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Mark C. Stafford and Mark Warr argue the reconceptualization of deterrence theory. They argue that direct and indirect experiences with the punishment of crime can determine if either general or specific deterrence works. For the reconceptualization part of deterrence Stafford and Warr propose three advantages for their argument (Stafford and Warr). Derek B. Cornish and Ronald V. Clark argue for criminals using rational choice to decide whether or not to commit crime. They argue that the criminals starting point is to benefit themselves, committing crimes is based on their needs, and lastly Cornish and Clark say that a criminal’s decision process varies because of what the offender considers in the process (Ronald and Clark). Richard T. Wright …show more content…

From my understanding they believe that crime is committed because general and specific deterrence are together and should both have separate theories. They believe crime is committed because everyone’s own deterrence is different based on their own experience with crime or punishment. For example, just because someone else got caught for a crime doesn’t mean it is well known, so this could also affect the deterrence for others. Stafford and Warr takes into account punishment avoidance and indirect and direct experiences of punishment (Stafford and Warr). For Rational Choice Theory, crime occurs because the offender chooses to commit the crime because they are trying to meet a certain need. Cornish and Clark argue that crime is also committed in this theory because the rewards outweigh the consequences of committing crime (Cornish and Clark) For Wright and Decker’s Armed Robbers in Action section, crime, or specifically robbery, is committed for money. Another possible reason for committing robbery is that the robber may have access to a job, but the job might not pay as well as robbery. In this case robbers commit crime because they can make more money from robberies than in legitimate jobs. One of the reasons they might not be able to get better jobs that pay better, is that they might not have the education for those jobs. Another reason for not getting a legitimate job is that they simply think that the job “cramp their lifestyle (cite). Meaning that they believe that having a legitimate job might conflict with their partying lifestyle (Wright and

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