
Standard English Assess Task

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ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT Text 1 TREADING WATER The end of semester is just days away. I should be cramming as usual, but my mind just won’t anchor. It drifts from scene to scene unsatisfied at every moment, a restless buoy in a swelling sea. I am a model student – what is the difference this time? The difference this time is that it is the last time. Once more through the examination mill and then out I pop – an educated graduate. I can’t help but think that I feel more like an Uncle Toby’s Raspberry Roll-Up coming out flat at the other end. The last few years have flown by in a spicy, rebellious fog of cigarette smoke and 5dollar cocktails. I’m not ready for the corporate smoke den. What have really accomplished? A degree. A …show more content…

Now she is left with a beaten down heart. “Now I sit alone with my mistake.” Now I have to forge hope out of my beaten-down heart.” now she has finished the degree she is upset and she has to forge her hope it’s not just going to come from what she has done she has to start some things again. “A degree. A degree of waste, unhappiness and boredom.” This quote emphasis the point of not caring about the degree she has just gotten and that it was just a degree of waste, unhappiness and boredom. She isn’t going to be able to use this degree joyfully. She also emphasises it through a triple repetition of a word or phrase or sentence style 3 times for effect, waste, unhappiness and boredom. ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE FEATURES AND STRUCTURES SIMILE = “Once more through the examination mill and then out I pop – an educated graduate. I can’t help but think that I feel more like an Uncle Toby’s Raspberry Roll-Up coming out flat at the other

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