
Standardized Testing Has Made A Huge Impact Not Only On Our Educational System

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Standardized testing has made a huge impact not only on our educational system, it has also had a negative impact on certain groups of students. One of the groups of students that have been affected by standardized testing the most are English Language Learners (ELL). ELL’s are expected to take and pass a test that they are not able to read and understand. It is not fair to make students take a test in a language that they are still learning and will not be able to comprehend. Although there are modified tests for ELL’s to take hardly any of them can qualify for it. They are left taking a test they are not able to understand. Different accommodations should be made to help the ELL’s who do not qualify for the modified test, but are also not qualified to take the regular test. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was implemented in an effort to help students learn and meet their full potential academically. The NCLB was put into place by the government to have more of an input in the standards that schools must meet. The Common Core initiative was implemented to make schools in every state equal and have the same curriculum. Texas is one of the states that has decided not to adhere to the Common Core initiative. Texas’s standards are based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Standardized tests are the formal assessments schools use to make sure students are meeting the required state standards. The standardized test that Texas uses for assessment is called the

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