FairTest talks about how schools use standardized testing the wrong way and are causing many negative impacts. It causes the curriculum to narrow as well as make teachers teach to the test which thus drives them out of their profession. The stress on schools and teachers to raise the average grade is increasing. Because these tests don’t accurately take into account any other things but that one test, it is causing students to lower self esteem due to lower grades and therefore, dropping out. I plan on using this source to support why standardized testing should be reduced by mentioning how it affects how students are taken into account.
The use of standardized examinations have long been debated in American society. In fact, the last several years have seen an immense shift from the prioritization of standardized testing to more holistic measurements of student achievement. Despite this shift, many school districts across the nation and college/university entrance requirements still place a significant, if not pivotal, emphasis on test-taking and standardized exam results. Throughout this paper, I will explore 1) the history of standardized testing, 2) arguments for and against its practice, as well as 3) situate the consequences of its use in one of the three philosophical goals of schooling. All of this will subsequently paint an investigation into the purpose of schooling in American society.
At the end of every school year comes testing season, these standardized tests have caused a great debate of whether or not they should be removed. For about 9 months students are graded by many different techniques and test and they earn those quarterly grades, then they take the test and are in fear of failing the class. The article Examining the Pros and Cons of standardized Testing by Derrick Meador he talks about the benefits of these test, he also adds the cons of them towards the end of his writing. I disagree with his writing because tests such as sats, acts, the eoc, and for Florida the Fsa, are test based on what you should know but you have already proved that with your grades. I believe these test are hurting students who are bad test takers, it's stressful for both students and the teachers, and the test bring on too much at one time.
Since Middle School, I was not opposed to standardized testing. I thought of it as a way of testing us of what we have learned. Although, after reading some articles about standardized testing I am re-thinking the pros and cons. From personal experience, I thought of it as a challenge to pass them. But now that reminisce about it, I noticed some of the cons of standardized testing. I remember having a week or two dedicated for testing, and in case of students failing they had to take time to redo it. It would take a while for all the students to finish their tests. And after remembering how it was back in those times I was more on the opposed side.
One of the biggest topics in the educational world is standardized tests. All fifty states have their own standards following the common core curriculum. There are many positives and negatives that go with the standardized tests. A standardized test is any type of “examination that's administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner” (Popham, 1999). These standardized tests are either aptitude tests or achievement tests. Schools use achievement tests to compare students.
I think the schools is putting to much emphasis on the Standardized Test. I think the government is trying to make the standardized test hard and hard each year I think the government wanna make the students in the school's fail there test's. Because it's no point they making the test hard and hard for the students to pass I think they should be making the test easier for the students to pass and get out of the school early so they don't have to worry about school no more. I think the parents of the kids that fail the Standardized test should have a protest go up to Washington D.C go to the white house and stand by the gates and protest. The government would listen to the kids that's not a factor to them government only care about the money
Growing up in Chesapeake every student is forced to take a standardized test at the end of every class they take. Standardized testing has been a part of the educational system for so long that everyone is just accustomed to taking these tests or giving them out. Standardized testing does not just effect the students but it also effects the teachers. Chesapeake School Board should get rid of standardized testing in all grade levels because of different learning style, it limits the teachers to what they can teach and poor test scores.
Even though there are many downsides to standardized testing there are still viable reasons why they are still being used today. One of the main reasons includes the easy and quick access of testing students. Standardized testing allows schools to quickly access a large amount of students at one time. This is also one of the cheapest ways to tests such a large crowd due to machinery that grades which results in low tests costs for students. These tests also help by setting a national curriculum for all high school teachers to teach in schools. “It provides guidelines for curriculum. Standardized tests give teachers a structure of what needs to be taught. This helps keep classroom material consistent across the country” (“Pros and Cons of
Virginia requires all students to take year-end tests known as the Standards of Learning. Many people hate these SOL’s because they cause unnecessary stress. Other students love them because it gives them a goal for the year. Regardless of the various opinion there are many pros and cons, of the SOL’s.
Over the years, a debate has emerged arguing the fairness and the reliability of standardized tests. The outcome of this dispute not only directly impacts students, but also teachers and administrators, many whose jobs are placed on the line when the test scores come back. There are many exceptional points for both why the tests should be completely eradicated and also for why the tests should stay right where they are. A main argument for the tests is that they place students that may not have similar opportunities on a level playing field. The ACT, SAT, and other akin tests are the best way to test not only content knowledge, but also students’ ability to perform under pressure, a skill needed to succeed in college and the workforce.
Should one's college acceptance be based greatly on their standardized college admission test scores? Though these tests are a way of measuring an individual’s knowledge to then compare the student’s score to all of the other applicant’s scores, there are many downsides of making the submission of the SAT or ACT test scores a requirement when applying to colleges. This paper focuses on both the disadvantages and advantages of making standardized college admission test scores mandatory as well as the value and history behind these tests. While some may not want to recognize the problem behind making these tests mandatory, it is safe to say that it is not going to go away, especially with many colleges slowly jumping on the bandwagon and making the submission of standardized test scores optional.
In front of you lays a bubble sheet that will evaluate you and determine whether or not you’ll be given your high school diploma. Your number two pencil swims in your sweating palms as the clock becomes your worst enemy striking its hands closer to your indisputable fate. No matter how hard you worked through the whole school year, the amount of tutoring you took, the sleepless nights of studying and homework; This sitting, this paper will reflect your future in school. If that doesn’t give you anxiety then I don’t know what does. Millions of students across the globe have and are forced to go through these stressful settings in order to be compared and measure their intelligence. The intentions behind Standardized testing are well meant but
The United States education system has been using standardized testing since the 1800’s. Since the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002 mandated annual testing in all 50 states their use has escalated tremendously. Since 2002 America has dropped from 18th to 31st in mathematics and science while reading has not improved either (ProCon). The failure of the education system has been blamed on various outlooks. There may be many factors, but standardized testing has not shown a substantial positive effect. In fact, it has hurt our students, teachers and the education system as a whole. Although some say that it holds valuable information, the negatives severely outweigh the positives in standardized testing.
Standardized testing has its pros and cons I do not believe in it but I will give you proof for and against the testing. We will cover some the history and where the testing came from and why we do it. I will talk a little bit of how I feel about testing and how much we should focus on how the students do on the test. I have interviewed a few teachers that I had when I went to school and some personal friends that are teachers now and how it effects how they teach.
Standardized tests set a standard for all students to be at the same level of intelligence and comprehension, whether it be Keystone exams, Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT), or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, America is obsessed with having their students reach a certain score or better. With the addition of high school exit exams, are we taking standardized testing too far? The argument that the Washington Post gives in one of its articles uses arguments such as the facts that come from these tests and what should be required of graduating high school.
Our education system should be teaching kids how to live in the real world. Standardized test don’t. Kids should be able to gain knowledge, solve problems, be more creative, and enhance their thinking schools. Standardized tests don’t help with that. These test, such as the ACT and the SAT, are used to show how students perform against other students who take the same test. They are also used to help teachers decide what to teach in their classrooms. Kids are expected to gain knowledge from these test, but no real progress has been shown. The amount of test we take should be reduced.