
Standards-Based Education Reform

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Overview of Standards-Based Education Reform and the Common Core In 1983, President Reagan’s National Commission on Education released a landmark report on educational reform. A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform. It had been widely believed that America had lost its position as the world’s leader in commerce, industry, science, and technological innovation. And that this was due to the fact that the educational foundations of our society were being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatened the nation and her people. The report went further and famously noted, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it …show more content…

So the issue becomes, if the curriculum meets the demands of a global economy, can the standards be implemented equitably? Research Article 1 Seidel, K., & Meyer, H. (2006). Quality (and/or?) control: Perils and promises of standards-based school reform in urban contexts. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, 2(is there an issue number?), 68-88. Remove extra space The article looks at the perils and promises of standards-based instruction in urban environments through an elaborate review of standards-based reform initiatives and their impact. Starting in the early 1950’s and the pioneering research of Ralph Tyler and his efforts to encourage schools to move from the casual setting of expectations to an approach that took more formal notice of community and societal interests and continuing with related legislation evolving from the first Bush administration, through the Clinton administration, to the second Bush administration, the article examines the challenges each effort met with in their …show more content…

(2012). Powerful alignment: Building consensus around the common core state standards. Language and Literacy Spectrum, 22(1), 7-23. Remove extra space This paper examines a sampling of arguments for and against the Common Core State Standards from the period surrounding their adoption. An analysis of the various arguments and rhetorical techniques used by supporters and opponents reveals a model for achieving rapid, dramatic change in the modern educational landscape. This article is a review article. No specific study was conducted. The author reviewed key arguments presented from both sides of the Common Core debate. This review centers on arguments about the very existence of the CCSS, the groups and individuals who make those arguments, and the ways in which their arguments

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