
Stanford Prison Experiment

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This paper will review the study conducted in 1971 called the Stanford Prison Experiment. I will start off by reviewing the reason the study was conducted, the person who conducted it, his goals, and the story of what happened as a result. My review will include the influence of the political, and cultural climate of the time, how these outside forces can directly affect our perceptions, and the choices we make. I will also discuss the goals and purpose of the study, if the study proved anything, look at the ethical standards compared to todays, and conclude by reviewing the knowledge gained as a result of the study.

Review of the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment

The general topic of this study was to understand the roles that guards as authoritarian figures, and …show more content…

Professor Zimbardo also played the part of the prison warden. All 24 were college students looking for some extra money during the summer break. The professor and his team randomly chose the volunteers to be either guards or prisoners, and would pay them $15 dollars a day. Before the study began all the participants had a psychological evaluation to ensure they were physically, and mentally healthy. All of the 24 selected participants were healthy, intelligent, middle class men.
The study would take place in a few of the offices in the basement of the psychology department at Stanford University. Most of the college students would be gone for summer break, and that would give the study plenty of privacy while being conducted. In order to simulate a prison atmosphere the professor brought in people who had experience working and living in such institutions. They made small offices into cells that only had cots for the prisoners to lay on. There were no clocks to tell time, and no windows either. The prisoners would have a hallway that would be considered the yard, and closet that would be salutary

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