
Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey

Decent Essays

Stanley Kubrick directed and produced “2001: A Space Odyssey” which to this date is the world’s most greatest and influential film of all time. The film was mainly inspired by a short story named “The sentinel” by Arthur C. Clarke who also did the screenplay with Kubrick on 2001: A Space Odyssey. The film debuted on April 2, 1968 and drew the most optimistic predictions off futurists to map out a then- believable scenario of 21st-century space travel (Tate, Karl.) Stanley Kubrick probably chose to use color on the film rather than the normal black and white during the time to show the atmosphere of space in its true form. The color makes the planets of Earth and Jupiter look more realistic than it would have with a darker contrast in the film.

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